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C-C Bond Nitrogenation

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact James Massey.

Oxygen-, nitrogen-, or halogen-containing compounds are widely present in both natural products and synthetic compounds, for example, they show up within functional materials, top-selling drugs, as well as bioactive molecules. Thus, organic chemists have paid considerable attention in developing novel methodologies for their preparation. Although significant progress has made in C-H/C-C bond activation, the direct molecular skeletal heteroatom functionalization to incorporate O, N, and heteroatoms into substrates via C–H and/or C–C bond cleavage remains challenging due to the inert chemical bonds and the difficult selectivity control. By using readily available reagents as O, N, X source, we recently developed some highly efficient C-H/C-C bond oxygenation, nitrogenation, and halogenation reactions for the synthesis O-, N-, and/or halogen atom containing compounds. In this presentation, our recent progress on the direct C-C bond nitrogenation will be introduced.

This talk is part of the Synthetic Chemistry Research Interest Group series.

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