University of Cambridge > > Rainbow Group Seminars > Multiresolution Mesh Rendering Engine - Practicalities and Performance

Multiresolution Mesh Rendering Engine - Practicalities and Performance

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Rafal Mantiuk.

[CESCG practice talk]

A multiresolution mesh is a structure that allows multiple levels of resolution of a mesh to be sampled in different regions. They are used to accelerate the construction of view-dependent Levels of Detail (LODs) for real-time rendering, generally for complex objects that may span large depths (e.g. terrain). Nanite, introduced in Unreal Engine 5, is an example of a full multiresolution pipeline. We describe our mesh-shader based multiresolution rendering engine in Vulkan, with two implementations to extract view dependent LODs. The first implementation is based on the approach established by Nanite. Our alternative implementation has no intermediate buffers at the cost of less fine-grained control over regions of the multires- olution we explore. We finally evaluate the two methods against each other and traditional LOD chains, emphasis ing practicality and performance.

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This talk is part of the Rainbow Group Seminars series.

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