University of Cambridge > > Geometric Group Theory (GGT) Seminar > "Almost" Representations and Group Stability

"Almost" Representations and Group Stability

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  • UserBharatram Rangarajan, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
  • ClockFriday 31 May 2024, 13:45-14:45
  • HouseMR11.

If you have a question about this talk, please contact Francesco Fournier-Facio.

The notion of group stability, which asks if an “almost” homormorphism is “close” to a homomorphism, was introduced in Dogon’s talk last week, and studied in the setting of pointwise Hilbert-Schmidt stability. In this talk, we will explore the question in the context of uniform distance with respect to the operator norm. This is a more natural question that goes all the way back to Turing and Ulam, with subsequent developments by Kazhdan, et al. The main tool we use is a non-standard asymptotic variant of bounded cohomology of groups, devised so that the vanishing of this cohomology implies stability in this setting. We will then sketch how, apart from unifying earlier stability results, this theory can help prove stability for a large class of groups, including high-rank lattices and lamplighters. Based on joint works with Glebsky, Lubotzky, Monod, and Fournier-Facio.

This talk is part of the Geometric Group Theory (GGT) Seminar series.

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