Vibration-based monitoring of soil properties during compaction
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Associate Professor Mike Mooney, Assoc Prof in the integrated Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Division at Colorado School of Mines
Friday 05 June 2009, 16:30-17:30
Engineering Department - LR3A.
If you have a question about this talk, please contact Zelda Stuck.
Vibratory rollers and plates are used to improve the strength and
deformation properties of soil during construction. The vibration
characteristics, if monitored, can be exploited to assess the condition of
the soil during and after construction. This presentation describes the
results of a research effort to extract soil stiffness during the vibratory
plate and roller compaction process. To understand roller-measured stiffness
readings, in-situ stress-strain behavior was characterized during vibratory
roller passes.
This talk is part of the Engineering Department Geotechnical Research Seminars series.
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