Towards the Probabilistic Earth-System Model.
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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Christian Franzke.
The case is made for a partially stochastic reformulation of the
governing equations in future-generation climate prediction models.
Firstly, a guiding characteristic of the scientific method is an ability
to characterise and predict uncertainty; individual climate models are
not currently able to do this. Secondly, through the effects of
noise-induced rectification, stochastic-dynamic parametrisation may
provide a (poor man’s) surrogate to high resolution in reducing model
bias. Thirdly, stochastic-dynamic parametrisations may be able to take
advantage of the inherent stochasticity of electron flow through certain
types of low-energy computer chips, currently under development.
These arguments have particular resonance for next-generation
Earth-System models, which purport to be comprehensive numerical
representations of climate, and where integrations at high resolution
may be unaffordable.
This talk is part of the British Antarctic Survey series.
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