University of Cambridge > > Machine Intelligence Laboratory Speech Seminars > Multidimensional Dialogue Management and Dialogue Act Recognition using Bayesian Networks

Multidimensional Dialogue Management and Dialogue Act Recognition using Bayesian Networks

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Dr Marcus Tomalin.

The first part of the talk I will present my current work as a postdoc researcher on the PARADIME project (PARallel Agent-based DIalogue Management Engine). In the project, I have developed a dialogue manager (DM) that takes the multidimensional nature of communication into account. The DM supports the generation of multifunctional system utterances via dialogue act contributions from several agents, that each address one particular dimension of communication. The DM is integrated in the demonstration system for interactive question answering as developed within the Dutch research program IMIX (Interactive Multimodal Information eXtraction).

Because of its particular relevance to the research on probabilistic dialogue modelling in Cambridge, the second part of the talk will be about my PhD research on using Bayesian Networks (BNs) for dialogue modelling. This work particularly consisted of experiments on using BNs for dialogue act recognition, involving the classification of Forward- and Backward-looking functions from a DAMSL based annotation scheme.

This talk is part of the Machine Intelligence Laboratory Speech Seminars series.

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