University of Cambridge > > Cambridge Conservation Seminars  > When does environmental science get used in policy and practice?

When does environmental science get used in policy and practice?

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Lisa Harris.

In this talk I will be exploring the interactions between knowledge, technology, policy, and practice, in the environmental sphere, with a specific focus on nature conservation and sustainable agriculture. I will use case studies to demonstrate when environmental science has been used in policy and practice, including the influence of the Lawton Review on UK Government policy, and examples from recent research conducted for both Defra’s Sustainable Intensification Platform and the EU Biodiversity Observation Network. I will present practical ideas for how environmental scientists can improve the uptake of science, such as how to improve the design of decision support systems, and how to frame and communicate science persuasively. I will also consider the place for Geographical research on environmental science-policy-practice interfaces.

This talk is part of the Cambridge Conservation Seminars series.

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