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Mitochondrial-ER interactions and dynamics in neurons

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  • UserVictoria Hewitt - Whitworth Lab, Mitochondrial Biology Unit
  • ClockWednesday 18 January 2017, 17:30-19:30
  • HouseGurdon Institute Tea Room.

If you have a question about this talk, please contact Clara Sidor.

Mitochondria and ER have highly dynamic, intricate and interacting morphologies. The contacts between these two organelles are vital hubs of intracellular communication that influence the morphology of the mitochondria and mediate transfer of calcium and lipids. The components of the contact sites and associated regulatory proteins are slowly being identified but the biological relevance of these contacts for the function of tissues or whole organisms is still very poorly understood. In neurons the morphology of the mitochondria and ER are highly specialised and vary across the different subcellular neuronal compartments. Alterations in the dynamics and morphology of the ER and mitochondria in neurons are associated with many neurodegenerative diseases. I am using larval motor neurons to explore the biological significance of the interplay of these two organelles. I will present the methodology I am using to investigate the dynamics of these organelles in vivo with an overview of my research into how modulation of tethering, mitochondrial morphology and calcium signalling influence mitochondrial dynamics and transport in axons.

This talk is part of the Cambridge Fly Meetings series.

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