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Can perinatal mental health care prevent mental health problems in children?

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There is a growing evidence base that demonstrates an association between mental health problems in pregnancy and subsequent child mental health problems. At this seminar, Professor Louise Howard, Professor of Women’s Mental Health at Kings College London, will discuss their recent findings on identification of mental disorders in pregnancy, the benefits (and potential risks) of interventions, and suggest directions for future research on whether interventions in pregnancy can indeed improve both maternal and child outcomes.

Professor Howard is Chair of the National Institute for Clinical Excellence Guideline Development Group (update) on Antenatal and Postnatal Mental Health, a professional member of the WHO and NICE /SCIE guideline development groups on Preventing and Reducing Domestic Violence, and a member of the International Editorial Board of the British Journal of Psychiatry and Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences. She is Head of the Section of Women’s Mental Health at the Health Service and Population Research Department, Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College London.

Chaired by Professor Peter Jones, Deputy Head, School of Clinical Medicine, University of Cambridge.

This talk is part of the Bradford Hill Seminars series.

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