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CGHR Governance and Human Rights Research Group

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Hubertus Juergenliemk.

The CGHR Research Group

The CGHR Research Group meets every first Monday of the month from 12.30 to 2pm in the Senior Common Room in the Department of Politics and International Studies (First Floor, 17 Mill Lane). Participants may bring their lunch, and tea and coffee will be provided after the seminar.

The aim is to facilitate an exchange between younger and more established researchers from all disciplines, offering a forum for the development of new and innovative ideas, constructive criticism and stimulating debate. Each month, one paper will be presented, and detailed feedback will be provided by a discussant (an established researcher, to be arranged by the Convenor) before opening up for a wider exchange. Presenters will be encouraged to incorporate feedback into a revised document, for possible publication as a working paper on the CGHR website.

The first CGHR Research Group seminar will be held on Monday 1 November 2010.

Call for Papers 2010-11

We are now looking to confirm presenters for slots in Michaelmas and Lent 2010-11. To present a paper or for more information on the research group, please contact the convenor, Hubertus Juergenliemk ( or the director of the Centre, Sharath Srinivasan (

This talk is part of the Centre of Governance and Human Rights Events series.

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