University of Cambridge > > MRC LMB Seminar Series > LMB Seminar: Mechanism and regulation P element transposition in Drosophila

LMB Seminar: Mechanism and regulation P element transposition in Drosophila

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Transposable elements are ubiquitous in the genomes of all known organisms from bacteria to humans. These mobile genetic elements are known to contribute to genome evolution and organization. P elements were discovered in the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, because they cause a genetic syndrome called hybrid dysgenesis where their uncontrolled mobility leads to sterility, mutations and chromosomal rearrangements. P elements are mobilized using a cut-and-paste mechanism by a DNA binding transposase enzyme that uses GTP as a cofactor at multiple stages of the reaction pathway. The interaction of P elements with their host has led to multiple regulatory strategies to regulate and restrict P element mobility to the germline involving alternative pre-mRNA splicing and the small piwi-interacting RNA (piRNA) pathway. Genome sequencing has identified P element transposase-related genes, called THAP9 , found in vertebrate genomes. I will discuss mechanistic studies of P element transposition and how transposition is regulated

This talk is part of the MRC LMB Seminar Series series.

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