University of Cambridge > > MRC LMB Seminar Series > Crick Lecture 2022: Neurobiology of Social and Sickness Behaviors

Crick Lecture 2022: Neurobiology of Social and Sickness Behaviors

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Social interactions are essential for animals to survive, reproduce, raise their young. Over the years, my lab has attempted to decipher the unique characteristics of social recognition: what are the unique cues that trigger distinct social behaviors, what is the nature and identity of social behavior circuits, how is the function of these circuits different in males and females and how are they modulated by the animal physiological status? In this lecture, I will describe our recent progress in understanding how the brain participates in the positive and negative control of adult-adult social interactions, providing a new framework to understand the regulation of social behaviors in health and disease. Finally, I will describe our recent work uncovering how specific brain circuits are able to direct adaptive changes in behavior during sickness episodes in mice.

This talk is part of the MRC LMB Seminar Series series.

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