University of Cambridge > > DAMTP Statistical Physics and Soft Matter Seminar > Dynamical phase transitions for activity biased Ising model in a random field. Connection with glass-forming systems.

Dynamical phase transitions for activity biased Ising model in a random field. Connection with glass-forming systems.

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In this talk, we will consider large deviations of the dynamical activity—defined as the number of configuration changes within a time interval—for the mean-field Ising model in a random field. We identify several phase transitions that appear as singularities in the scaled cumulant generating function of the dynamical activity. After an analysis of the features of the phases as well as the nature of the (dynamical) transitions, we will discuss connections with the RFOT picture of glass-forming liquids.

This talk is part of the DAMTP Statistical Physics and Soft Matter Seminar series.

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