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Extra Theoretical Chemistry Seminars

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A series of talks usually held in the Unilever lecture theatre, Dept of Chemistry. These seminars are less formal – the idea is to promote discussion and exchange of ideas. Students are particularly encouraged to ask questions.

Different groups are looking at systems ranging from first-row atoms to coarse-grained models of colloids, so if speakers could introduce their subject and try to avoid excessive use of jargon and acronyms it would be much appreciated.

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If you have a question about this list, please contact: Lisa Masters. If you have a question about a specific talk, click on that talk to find its organiser.

0 upcoming talks and 170 talks in the archive.

Adaptive Hybrid Density Functionals

UserDr Alastair Price, University of Toronto.

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockWednesday 29 May 2024, 14:30-15:30

Computational Roadmap of Emerging Materials: Implications of Piezochromism and Rashba Phenomena

UserDr Sudip Chakraborty, Harish-Chandra Research Institute Allahabad.

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockTuesday 12 December 2023, 15:00-16:00

Towards Operando Modelling of Zeolites

UserDr. Christopher Heard, Charles University.

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockMonday 20 November 2023, 11:00-12:00

Illuminating the Quantum Dynamics in Photoelectrochemistry

Special Lennard-Jones Centre seminar

UserDr Thomas Sayer, University of Colorado Boulder.

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockThursday 14 September 2023, 14:00-15:00

In Search of Coulson's Lost Theorem

UserProfessor Patrick Fowler, University of Sheffield.

HouseTodd Hamied Room, Yusuf Hamied Department of Chemistry.

ClockWednesday 31 May 2023, 14:30-15:30

Transcorrelated method for periodic systems Meeting ID: 984 2096 4527 Passcode: 933217

UserProfessor Masayuki Ochi, Osaka University Japan.


ClockThursday 18 May 2023, 11:00-12:00

Some new perspectives on old problems: From water to materials and back again.

UserProfessor Michael Klein, Temple University.

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockWednesday 14 December 2022, 14:30-15:30

Molecular Theory of Ion Transport through Liquid-Liquid Interfaces

UserProfessor Akihiro Morita, Tohoku University.

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockMonday 29 April 2019, 14:15-15:15

Theoretical Chemistry Informal Symposium

UserFatima Baldo & Nadia Petersen.

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockWednesday 30 November 2016, 16:30-18:00

Network Properties of Atomic Clusters

Thesis Seminar

UserJohn Morgan (University of Cambridge).

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 25 November 2016, 12:00-12:40

Insights into compound mode-of-action by exploring gene expression space

1st Year PhD Report

UserBenjamin Alexander-Dann (University of Cambridge).

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 18 November 2016, 12:00-12:20

Mapping the molecular landscape of disease

1st Year PhD Report

UserErin Oerton (University of Cambridge).

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 11 November 2016, 12:20-12:40

Lattice models for DNA origami self-assembly

1st Year PhD Report

UserAlexander Cumberworth (University of Cambridge).

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 11 November 2016, 12:00-12:20

Stochastic Coupled Cluster in Model Solid Systems

1st Year PhD Report

UserVerena Neufeld (University of Cambridge).

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 28 October 2016, 12:20-12:40

Synthesis and Analysis of Nanobody Sequence and Structure Data

1st Year PhD Report

UserLaura Mitchell (University of Cambridge).

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 28 October 2016, 12:00-12:20

Applying Stochastic Coupled Cluster Theory to the Solid State

1st Year PhD Report

UserCharlie Scott (University of Cambridge).

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 14 October 2016, 12:20-12:40

Energy Landscape Landscaping

1st Year PhD Report

UserKonstantin Roeder (University of Cambridge).

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 14 October 2016, 12:00-12:20

Stochastic Coupled Cluster Theory

UserAlex Thom (University of Cambridge).

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 07 October 2016, 12:00-12:40

Quantum dynamics in condensed phase using the non-perturbative hierarchical equations of motion approach

UserQiang Shi, Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockTuesday 30 August 2016, 12:00-13:00

The origin of anomalously high melting temperatures in gallium clusters

UserNicola Gaston, University of Auckland.

HouseTodd Hamied Room, Department of Chemistry.

ClockWednesday 29 June 2016, 14:00-15:00

Theoretical advances in aqueous ion solvation: Charge asymmetry

UserDr Stephen J. Cox - University of California, Berkeley, College of Chemistry.

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 03 June 2016, 12:00-12:40

Simple microscopic models of complex systems

UserProfessor Jeremy Schofield (University of Toronto).

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 20 May 2016, 12:00-12:40

In-Silico Prediction of Bioactive Small Molecules

UserAvid Afzal (University of Cambridge).

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 13 May 2016, 12:00-12:40

Computer-Aided Rational Drug Design for Alzheimer’s Disease

UserProfessor Donald F. Weaver, University of Toronto.

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 04 March 2016, 12:00-12:50

Analysis of bonding patterns and reactivity in molecular systems exhibiting partial biradical character

UserDr. Sotiris Xantheas, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 19 February 2016, 12:00-12:40

Using explicit correlation with FCIQMC

Thesis Seminar

UserJennifer Kersten.

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 29 January 2016, 12:00-12:40

The Phase Behavior of Deeply Supercooled Water: a Computational Perspective

Note unusual time

UserPablo Debenedetti (Professor in Engineering and Applied Science and Dean for Research of Princeton University).

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 22 January 2016, 14:00-15:00

Atom Tunnelling as a General Phenomenon in Chemistry: from the Interstellar Medium to Enzymes

UserJohannes Kaestner (Institute for Theoretical Chemistry, University of Stuttgart).

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 15 January 2016, 12:00-12:40

Linked Coupled Cluster Monte Carlo

2nd Year PhD Talk

UserRuth Franklin.

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 27 November 2015, 12:20-12:40

Modelling Collective Behaviours of Bacterial Colonies

2nd Year PhD Talk

UserMatthew Griffiths.

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 27 November 2015, 12:00-12:20

The Exact Functional

UserAron Cohen (University of Cambridge).

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 13 November 2015, 12:00-12:40

Sampling of RNA folding pathways

UserTristan Cragnolini.

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 09 October 2015, 12:00-12:40

Using Surfaces to Direct Microphase Separation

UserClarion Tung (Department of Chemistry, Columbia University).

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 11 September 2015, 13:30-14:30

How to beat biology: fine-tuning mechanical and structural properties on the macroscale through programmable nanomaterials

UserDavid Smith, Fraunhofer Institute for Cell Therapy and Immunology, Leipzig..

HouseTodd Hamied Room, Dept. of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 05 June 2015, 14:15-15:15

Density Embedding Methods: Quality Control and Efficiency for Large Metal Clusters

UserDr. Judith B. Rommel, Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge.

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 29 May 2015, 14:15-15:15

The stress ensemble for granular packings

UserSilke Henkes, University of Aberdeen.

HouseTodd Hamied Room, Dept. of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 22 May 2015, 13:00-14:00

Role of Pair and Higher Order Correlations in Entropy and Dynamics of Glass Forming Systems

UserSarika Bhattacharyya, National Chemical Laboratory, Pune, India.

HouseTodd Hamied Room, Dept. of Chemistry.

ClockMonday 11 May 2015, 14:15-15:15

Natural Nanotechnology (aka Can iPods Grow on Trees?)

UserChris Forman, University of Cambridge.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Dept. of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 08 May 2015, 14:00-15:00

Neurotransduction mechanism via GPCRs: alpha helix, the smallest spring in nature

UserSinisa Vukovic, University of Cambridge.

HouseTodd Hamied Room, Dept. of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 06 March 2015, 13:00-14:00

Quasicrystals, Charge Ordering and the Quantum Hall Effect

UserFelix Flicker, University of Bristol.

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 13 February 2015, 13:00-14:00

Nanoparticle growth and Ostwald ripening: aggregate growth, size distributions, and the breakdown of scaling

UserProf. Dr. Juergen Vollmer, Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization (MPIDS), Goettingen, Germany.

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 06 February 2015, 12:00-13:00

Reconsidering old questions with new simulation techniques: Fluctuations and Frank constants in polymeric liquid crystals

UserDr. Kostas Daoulas, Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Mainz, Germany.

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 30 January 2015, 12:00-13:00

Computer simulations of thermally induced electric fields in water.

UserPeter Wirnsberger, Deparment Chemistry, University of Cambridge (Frenkel Group).

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 23 January 2015, 12:00-12:45

Application of normal forms and TST to the reaction dynamics of quantum wave packets

UserDr. Andrej Junginger, University of Stuttgart, Institute of Theoretical Physics, Stuttgart, Germany.

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 16 January 2015, 12:00-13:00

Exotic morphologies of highly charged solvated macromolecules

UserProf. Styliani Constas, Department of Chemistry, The University of Western Ontario London, ON N6A 5B7 CANADA.

HousePfizer Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 21 November 2014, 12:00-13:00

Electric double layers at metal oxide water interfaces and their effect on electrocatalysis.

UserProf. Michiel Sprik, Department of Chemistry, University of Cambirdge.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 14 November 2014, 12:00-13:00

Entropic Utopia: Shaping disorder for targeted self-assembly

UserPablo F. Damasceno, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA.

HousePfizer Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 07 November 2014, 12:00-13:00

High-dimensional surprises near the glass and the jamming transitions

UserProf. Patrick Charbonneau, Department of Chemistry, Duke University, Durham, NC 27708-0354.

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 31 October 2014, 13:00-14:00

Packing polyhedra: from ancient math to advanced materials

UserDr. Daphne Klotsa, Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge.

HouseScott Polar Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 24 October 2014, 12:00-13:00

Computational analyses of RNA repeat expansions causing genetic disease

UserDr. Ilyas Yildirim, Deparment of Chemistry, University of Cambridge.

HousePfizer Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 10 October 2014, 12:00-13:00

Molecular origins of "internal friction" in protein folding

UserDr. David de Sancho, Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge.

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 13 June 2014, 12:00-13:00

Chaperone-guided protein folding at the single-molecule level

UserProf. Sander Tans, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands.

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 06 June 2014, 12:00-13:00

Thermodynamics of Dissipative Self-Assembly

UserDr. ing. Ger J. M. Koper, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands.

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 30 May 2014, 12:00-13:00

Chemical applications of Density Matrix Renormalization Group

UserDr. Sandeep Sharma, Princeton University.

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 23 May 2014, 12:00-13:00

Embedded correlation within strongly correlated materials

UserDr. George Booth, Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge.

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 02 May 2014, 12:00-13:00

Folding of RNA tetraloop hairpins using Discrete Path Sampling

UserDebayan Chakraborty, University of Cambridge, Department of Chemistry, Cambridge, UK.

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 07 March 2014, 12:00-13:00

High-dimensional random landscapes and random matrices

UserProf. Yan Fyodorov, School of Mathematical Sciences, Queen Mary University of London, UK.

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 31 January 2014, 12:00-13:00

Coarse-grained modelling of RNA and DNA

UserPetr Sulc, Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics, Oxford, UK.

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 17 January 2014, 12:00-13:00

First Passage Time Boxed Molecular Dynamics

UserBoris Fackovec (University of Cambridge), Wales Group.

HousePfizer Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 13 December 2013, 12:00-13:00

Modeling reactive events in complex systems

UserProf. Eric Vanden-Eijnden, Courant Institute, NYU 251, Mercer Street New York, NY, 10012 .

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 06 December 2013, 12:00-13:00

Protein folding, unfolding, and ligand docking by generalized-ensemble algorithms

UserProf. Yuko Okamoto, Department of Physics, School of Science, Nagoya University.

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 29 November 2013, 12:00-13:00

Biomimetic approaches to cell-cell adhesion, fusion and lipid domain formation

UserProf. Jasna Brujic, New York University, Center for Soft Matter Research.

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 22 November 2013, 12:00-13:00

Smart inference and its relation with criticality

UserJorge Hidalgo - University of Granada, Spain.

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 15 November 2013, 12:00-13:00

Towards the reconstitution of a minimal cell?

UserProf. Marileen Dogeterom, FOM Institute, The Netherlands.

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 18 October 2013, 15:00-16:00

Using Locally Dense Basis Sets for NMR Shielding Calculations

UserDavid Reid, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 04 October 2013, 12:00-13:00

Macroscopic Quantum Tunneling in Bose-Einstein Condensates

UserProf. Lincoln D. Carr, Department of Physics, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado, U.S.A..

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 05 July 2013, 12:00-13:00

Quantum Tunnelling Splittings in Water Clusters, from Ring-Polymer Instanton Theory

UserAdam Reid, Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge.

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 14 June 2013, 12:00-12:30

Experimental-Driven Metadynamics simulations

UserDr Carlo Camilloni (University of Cambridge).

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 07 June 2013, 12:00-13:00

What can we learn about protein folding from atomistic simulations?

UserDr. Robert Best, Laboratory of Chemical Physics, NIDDK, NIH.

HousePfizer Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 24 May 2013, 12:00-13:00

Ionic Liquids - From DFT to CG Simulations

UserProf. Dr. Christian Holm, Institute for Computational Physics, University of Stuttgart, Germany.

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 17 May 2013, 12:00-13:00

On ripples, rafts, and networks - insights from generic models

UserProf. Friederike Schmid, Condensed Matter Theory Group, Institute of Physics, University of Mainz, Germany.

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 10 May 2013, 12:00-13:00

Driving self assembly and emergent behavior in particle suspensions with magnetic fields


UserDr James Martin (Sandia National Laboratories, USA).

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 08 March 2013, 12:00-13:00

The Materials Project for Accelerated Materials Design

UserDr Kristin Persson (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory).

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 18 January 2013, 12:00-13:00

Investigating tunneling rates using instanton theory

CPGS talk

UserConan Zhang (CUC3).

HousePfizer Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 19 October 2012, 12:00-12:30

Quantum transition state theory?

CPGS talk

UserTim Hele (CUC3).

HousePfizer Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 12 October 2012, 12:00-12:30

Clusters in the bulk - the topological cluster classification

Note unusual day and time

UserDr Paddy Royall (University of Bristol).

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockMonday 30 July 2012, 14:30-15:30

Self-assembly in simple colloidal systems

Note slightly earlier time

UserProf. Vinothan Manoharan (Department of Physics, Harvard).

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 13 July 2012, 11:30-12:30

Statistical mechanics of systems with long-range interactions

UserProf. Yan Levin (Instituto de Física, UFRGS Brazil).

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 11 May 2012, 12:00-13:00

Exploring quantum tunnelling in water clusters using the instanton method

Thesis seminar

UserJeremy Richardson (University of Cambridge).

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 04 May 2012, 12:00-13:00

Dynamic order-disorder transitions in a system of self-propelled particles

UserDr Vladimir Lobaskin (University College Dublin).

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 13 April 2012, 12:00-13:00

Sampling rare events in non-stationary dynamics

UserDr Josh Berryman (University of Luxembourg).

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 20 January 2012, 12:00-13:00

Electrostatic interactions in binary liquids

CPGS talk.

UserAlexandra Dobrinescu (CUC3).

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 02 December 2011, 12:00-12:30

Self assembly of DNA coated colloids

CPGS talk

UserMatthew Llewellyn-Jones (CUC3).

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 25 November 2011, 12:30-13:00

Improving i-FCIQMC: Reducing the cost using biased sampling

CPGS talk

UserCatherine Overy (CUC3).

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 18 November 2011, 12:30-13:00

Rhodanese folding within the GroEL chaperonin cavity

CPGS talk

UserAnshul Sirur (CUC3).

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 18 November 2011, 12:00-12:30

Dielectric response of interfacial water

Note unusual day and time.

UserDouwe Jan Bonthuis (Technische Universität München).

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockWednesday 16 November 2011, 14:15-15:15

Quantum Tunnelling Splittings from Ring-Polymer Instanton Theory

CPGS talk. Note unusual venue.

UserAdam Reid (CUC3).

HousePfizer Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 28 October 2011, 12:30-13:00

Ring Polymer Tunnelling Rates and the Connection with Instanton Theory

CPGS talk. Note unusual venue.

UserAdrian Hemmen (CUC3).

HousePfizer Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 28 October 2011, 12:00-12:30

Cooperative dynamics in supercooled liquids

Note unusual venue.

UserDr Jacob Stevenson (CUC3).

HousePfizer Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 21 October 2011, 12:00-13:00

Can hydrophobic surfaces catalyze unfolding?

Note unusual venue.

UserDr Patrick Varilly (CUC3).

HousePfizer Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 14 October 2011, 12:00-13:00

Mapping the phase behavior of protein interactions in multicomponent solutions

CPGS talk. Note unusual venue.

UserWilliam Jacobs (CUC3).

HousePfizer Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 07 October 2011, 12:00-12:30

Controlling bacterial motors

UserProf. Berenike Maier (Univeristy of Cologne).

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 24 June 2011, 12:00-13:00

Cluster Move Monte Carlo: as good as it sounds?

UserMr Thomas Ouldridge (University of Oxford).

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 10 June 2011, 12:00-13:00

Hard sphere crystal growth

UserDr Michiel Hermes (University of Utrecht).

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 27 May 2011, 12:00-13:00

The role of particle size and shape in highly size-asymmetric mixtures

UserDr Douglas Ashton (University of Bath, Department of Physics).

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 06 May 2011, 12:00-13:00

Self-assembly and hydrodynamics of Janus particles

Note unusual venue. This talk is on Good Friday and the building will be single-locked. Anyone without access who wishes to attend should contact Mark Miller (mam1000).

UserProf. Erik Luijten (Northwestern University, USA).

HouseRoom 357, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 22 April 2011, 12:00-13:00

Benchmark studies of ring polymer molecular dynamics rate theory

Thesis seminar

UserThomas Stecher (CUC3).

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 11 March 2011, 12:00-13:00

Calculating acidity constants of manganese oxide

CPGS talk

UserJohn Kattirtzi (CUC3).

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 04 March 2011, 12:00-12:30

What we don't know about nano-assembly for nanomaterials

UserProf. Jeremy Baumberg (NanoPhotonics Centre, University of Cambridge).

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 25 February 2011, 12:00-13:00

Protein folding landscapes by means of metadynamics simulations

UserDr Alessandro Barducci (ETH Zürich).

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 19 November 2010, 12:00-13:00

Direct computation of packing entropy of granular materials

CPGS talk

UserDaniel Asenjo (CUC3).

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 12 November 2010, 12:30-13:00

Full configuration interaction quantum Monte Carlo study of the uniform electron gas

CPGS talk. Note unusual venue.

UserJames Shepherd (CUC3).

HousePfizer Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 08 October 2010, 12:30-13:00

Spin in Fermion Monte Carlo

CPGS talk. Note unusual venue.

UserSimon Smart (CUC3).

HousePfizer Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 08 October 2010, 12:00-12:30

Diffusion and viscosity in complex liquids at all length scales

UserProf. Robert Holyst (University of Warsaw, Poland).

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 24 September 2010, 12:00-13:00

Self-organization of inorganic nanostructures: A polymer scientist approach

UserProf. Eugenia Kumacheva (University of Toronto).

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 18 June 2010, 12:00-13:00

Regulation of amyloid self-assembly under partially denaturing solution conditions

Note change of day and time

UserProf Martin Muschol (University of South Florida).

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockThursday 10 June 2010, 16:00-17:00

Critical depletion

UserProf Roberto Piazza (Politecnico di Milano).

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 21 May 2010, 12:00-13:00

Computing the energetic component of the symmetry factor

Thesis seminar

UserChristof Drechsel-Grau (CUC3).

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 14 May 2010, 12:00-13:00

E. coli superdiffusion and chemotaxis

UserDr Franziska Matthäus (University of Heidelberg).

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 07 May 2010, 12:00-13:00

Full configuration interaction quantum Monte Carlo

Thesis seminar

UserGeorge Booth (CUC3).

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 30 April 2010, 12:00-13:00

Recent developments in multireference quantum chemistry

Note late change of venue

UserDr Yuki Kurashige (Institute for Molecular Science, Okazaki, Japan).

HouseU202, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 16 April 2010, 12:00-13:00

Computing absolute free energies of disordered structures by molecular simulation

UserProf Tanja Schilling (University of Luxembourg).

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 26 February 2010, 12:00-13:00

Water: from bulk to interfaces

UserProf Giancarlo Franzese, Department of Physics, University of Barcelona.

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 19 February 2010, 12:00-13:00



UserProf Alenka Luzar (Department of Chemistry, Virginia Commonwealth University, USA).

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 05 February 2010, 12:00-13:00

Painleve condensation, counter-ion condensation and Coulombic elasticity of biopolymers

UserProf Emmanuel Trizac (Laboratoire de Physique Théorique et Modèles Statistiques, Université Paris-Sud, France).

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 29 January 2010, 12:00-13:00

Chaperonin-assisted protein folding: "The peculiar case of the bacteriophage T4 major capsid protein"

Note unusual day and time

UserProf Saskia van der Vies (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam).

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockTuesday 12 January 2010, 16:00-17:00

Modelling bacterial populations in changing environments

UserDr Rosalind Allen (Department of Physics, University of Edinburgh).

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 20 November 2009, 12:00-13:00

Stabilizing ordered bicontinuous phases in diblock copolymer systems

Note late change of venue

UserDr Francisco Martinez (CUC3).

HousePfizer Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 06 November 2009, 12:00-13:00

Gas diffusion in the [NiFe]-hydrogenase

M.Phil. thesis presentation. Note unusual venue.

UserPo-hung Wang (CUC3).

HousePfizer Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 30 October 2009, 12:25-12:50

FCIMC, naturally

CPGS talk. Note unusual venue.

UserDeidre Cleland (CUC3).

HousePfizer Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 30 October 2009, 12:00-12:25

Design of protein sequences with funneled free energy landscapes using a coarse-grained caterpillar model

Note unusual venue

UserDr Ivan Coluzza (National Institute for Medical Research, London).

HousePfizer Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 16 October 2009, 12:00-13:00

Ring-polymer transition-state theory

CPGS talk. Note unusual venue.

UserJeremy Richardson (CUC3).

HousePfizer Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 09 October 2009, 12:25-12:50

Coarse-grained modelling of biological and biomimetic surfactants

CPGS talk. Note unusual venue.

UserCraig Kitchen (CUC3).

HousePfizer Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 09 October 2009, 12:00-12:25

Computing absolute free energies of disordered structures by molecular simulation


UserDr Tanja Schilling (Department of Physics, University of Mainz).

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 02 October 2009, 11:00-12:00

Dynamics of a bacterium moving by chemotaxis in its own secretion

Extra seminar

UserDr Ankush Sengupta (Institute for theoretical physics, University of Duesseldorf).

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 10 July 2009, 12:00-13:00

Physical theory of vaccine design for influenza and dengue fever

Note unusual day and time

UserProfessor Michael W Deem (Rice University, USA).

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockTuesday 16 June 2009, 14:30-15:30

Using single-molecule manipulation to probe the dynamics of protein and DNA molecules

Note unusual day and time

UserProfessor Ching-Hwa Kiang (Department of Physics & Astronomy, Rice University, USA).

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockMonday 15 June 2009, 14:30-15:30

Birth of a liquid droplet

UserProfessor Hans-Hennig von Gruenberg (University of Graz).

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 12 June 2009, 12:00-13:00

Simulations of self-assembling synthetic proteins

UserDr Peter Bolhuis (University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands).

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 08 May 2009, 12:00-13:00

Fun and controversy in modelling polarons

UserProf Alexander Shluger (University College London).

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 01 May 2009, 12:00-13:00

Please see above for contact details for this list.


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