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If you have a question about this list, please contact: . If you have a question about a specific talk, click on that talk to find its organiser. 0 upcoming talks and 63 talks in the archive. Some recent results of boson stars
Static Charged Black Hole Binaries in AdS
Cosmic String Radiation: the Importance of Curvature
The Laws of Black Hole Mechanics in Effective Field Theory.
Extremal black hole formation as a critical phenomenon
Non-smooth horizons in Kerr black hole mergers
Shall Bekenstein's Area Law Prevail?
Black Hole Entropy for Higher Curvature Gravity with Higher Spin Fields
Uniqueness of extremal black holes in de Sitter
Fully general Cauchy evolution of asymptotically AdS spacetimes: the non-linear instability of Kerr-AdS
The Fate of Matter Fields in Metric-Affine Gravity
AdS Black Holes and Their Microstates
Astrophysical signatures on the LISA data stream from Massive Black Hole Binaries
Numerical-relativity-informed effective-one-body model for black-hole–neutron-star mergers with higher modes and spin precession
Nonlinear stability of Einstein-matter models near the big bang singularity
Towards reconciling Cosmology, GR and QFT through non-perturbative Stochastic Inflation
Spin-eccentricity interplay in merging binary black holes
Spin-eccentricity interplay in merging binary black holes
Formulation Improvements for Critical Collapse
Observational evidence of cosmological coupling in black holes
The Cosmological Tree Theorem
A New Covariant Entropy Bond from Cauchy Slice Holography
Gravitational Wave observations with PTA, can cosmic strings explain the signal?
A scattering theory construction of dynamical solitons
Amplitude Bootstrap and Double Copy in (Anti) de-Sitter space
Intrinsic rigidity of extremal horizons
Wheeler DeWitt States of a Charged AdS4 Black Hole
The electromagnetic weight loss of compact axion stars
Termination of Black Hole Superradiance from a Binary Companion
The first pieces of the gravitational-wave progenitor population puzzle
Creases, corners and caustics: properties of non-smooth structures on black hole horizons
Dark Energy (and modified gravity) in two body problem: theoretical implications and observational constraints
A cautionary case of casual causality – Diagnosing (a)causality in the EFT of gravity
Can we test cosmic homogeneity and isotropy?
Opening a new window on the universe through long-baseline atom interferometry
Boson stars through the prism of numerical relativity
Holographic Stress Tensor for Asymptotically Flat Spacetimes
Orbital Evolution of Binaries in Circumbinary Disks
Searching for boson-star mergers in gravitational-wave data with numerical relativity
Predicting gravitational waveforms: tails-of-memory and the 4.5PN phase
Linearised Second Law and Non-Minimal Vector Fields
Core collapse in massive ST theory: phenomenology and observational potential
Dynamical Black Hole Entropy in Effective Field Theory
Retiring the third law of black hole thermodynamics
Large gauge symmetries of gravity in 6 dimensions
Extreme Black Holes: Anabasis and Accidental Symmetry
Superrotations, asymptotic structure and holography
Gravitational Waves in Cosmology and Astrophysics
The propagation of gravitational waves through matter
Gravitational collapse of quantum fields
Double black holes in open clusters and a highlight to their hierarchical mergers in nuclear clusters
The Taxonomy of Spin Precession in Binary Black Holes
On multi-tension string networks
Eccentricity in Gravitational-Wave Transients
Quantum Fields and Strings Seminars Three Avatars of Mock Modularity
Quantum Fields and Strings Seminars Bulk geometry from colors
Quasi-local mass, Kerr horizon, and causality
Quantum Fields and Strings Seminars Five-Dimensional Path Integrals for Six-Dimensional SCFTs
Stabilizing relativistic fluids on slowly expanding cosmological spacetimes
Black Hole Interior
Please see above for contact details for this list. |
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