Venues starting with C
- C
- C202/C203, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute
- C209/210, Sanger Centre: Human Genome Project
- C209/C210, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute
- C302, Sulston Building, Wellcome Genome Campus, Hinxton. CB10 1SA
- Cafe, William Gates Building
- Caffe Nero, King's Parade
- Caius (room TBC)
- Caius College, Cambridge
- Caius College, Cambridget
- California, CA
- CALL Media Centre, MML, RFB, Sidgewick site, Cambridge
- Cambidge Judge Business School
- Cambidge Judge Business School, Castle Teaching Room
- Cambidge Judge Business School, KH107
- Cambidge Judge Business School, Lecture Theatre 2
- Cambidge Judge Business School, Lecture Theatre 3
- Cambidge Judge Business School, LT2
- Cambidge Judge Business School, W2.01
- Cambidge Judge Business School, W2.02
- Cambidge Judge Business School, W4.03
- Cambidge Judge Business School, W4.05
- Cambidge Judge Business School, Castle Teaching Room
- Cambidge Judge Business School, room W4.03
- Cambidge Judge Business School, room W4.05
- Cambidge Judge Business School, W4.05
- Cambrdge University Engineering Department, Lecture Room 6
- Cambridge
- Cambridge & County Folk Museum, Castle Street
- Cambridge & County Folk Museum, Castle Street
- Cambridge & County Folk Museum, Castle Street
- Cambridge & County Folk Museum, Castle Street
- Cambridge & County Folk Museum, Castle Street
- Cambridge & County Folk Museum, Castle Street
- Cambridge & County Folk Museum, Castle Street
- Cambridge & County Folk Museum, Castle Street
- Cambridge & County Folk Museum, Castle Street
- Cambridge & County Folk Museum, Castle Street
- Cambridge & County Folk Museum, Castle Street
- Cambridge & County Folk Museum, Castle Street
- Cambridge & County Folk Museum, Castle Street
- Cambridge & County Folk Museum, Castle Street
- Cambridge & County Folk Museum, Castle Street
- Cambridge Academy for Science and Technology, Robinson Way (Close to the Junction of Robinson Way and Long Road), CB2 0SZ
- Cambridge Arts Picturehouse
- Cambridge Arts Picturehouse, St. Andrews Street
- Cambridge Assessment, 1 Hills Road, Cambridge
- Cambridge Assessment, 1 Hills Road, Cambridge, UK
- Cambridge Assessment, 1 Regent Street, Cambridge, UK
- Cambridge Assessment, 9 Hills Road, Cambridge
- Cambridge Assessment, 9 Hills Road, Cambridge, UK
- Cambridge Botanic Garden
- Cambridge Brew House, 1 King St, Cambridge CB1 1LH
- Cambridge Buddhist Temple, 214, Cromwell Road, Cambridge CB1 3EQ
- Cambridge Central Library (in the Grand Arcade), 3rd floor
- Cambridge Central Library, 7 Lion Yard, CB2 3QD
- Cambridge Centre for Brain Repair
- Cambridge City Crematorium
- Cambridge City Crematorium Huntingdon Rd, Cambridge, CB3 0JJ
- Cambridge Coding Academy, Eagle Labs Chesterton Branch - 28 Chesterton Road Floor 1, Cambridge, CB4 3AZ
- Cambridge Consultants Ltd, 29 Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 0DW
- Cambridge Consultants Ltd, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 0DW
- Cambridge Corn Exchange
- Cambridge Design Partnership, Church Road, Toft, Cambridge, CB23 2RF
- Cambridge Display Technology’s Technology Development Centre, Unit 12 Cardinal Park, Cardinal Way, Godmanchester, PE29 2XG
- Cambridge Drama Centre, Covent Garden
- Cambridge Enterprise Ltd, University of Cambridge, Hauser Forum, Room A, 3 Charles Babbage Road, Cambridge CB3 0GT
- Cambridge Enterprise, William Gates Building, JJ Thomson Avenue, CB3 0FD
- Cambridge Graphen Centre- Seminar Room. 9 JJ Thomson Avenue
- Cambridge Graphene Center Conference Room (entrance via Electrical Engineering reception, West Cambridge)
- Cambridge Graphene Centre Seminar Room
- Cambridge Graphene Centre, 9 JJ Thomson Avenue, Cambridge CB3 OFA, UK
- Cambridge Graphene Centre, 9 JJ Thomson Avenue, Cambridge CB3 OFA, UK.
- Cambridge Graphene Centre- Seminar Room. 9 JJ Thomson Avenue
- Cambridge Institute Lecture Theatre(CRUK) Robinson Way Cambridge,CB2 0RE
- Cambridge Institute of Public Health
- Cambridge Institute of Public Health Large Seminar Room (First Floor), Forvie Site, Robinson Way. CB2 0SR
- Cambridge Institute of Public Health, Large Seminar Room (First Floor), Forvie Site, Robinson Way. CB2 0SR
- Cambridge Institute of Public Health. Large Seminar Room (First Floor), Forvie Site, Robinson Way. CB2 0SR
- Cambridge Instute Lecture Theatre (CRUK) Robinson Way, Cambridge CB2 0RE
- Cambridge Instute Lecture Theatre(CRUK) Robinson Way Cambridge CB2 0RE
- Cambridge Instute Lecture Theatre(CRUK) Robinson Way, Cambridge CB2 0RE
- Cambridge Instute Lecture Theatre(CRUK) RobinsonWay Cambridge CB2 0RE
- Cambridge Judge Business School
- Cambridge Judge Business School (http://www.jbs.cam.ac.uk/aboutus/location.html)
- Cambridge Judge Business School (JBS)
- Cambridge Judge Business School Lecture Theatre 1
- Cambridge Judge Business School room W2.02
- Cambridge Judge Business School, Castle Teaching Room
- Cambridge Judge Business School, Lecture Theatre 2
- Cambridge Judge Business School, LT1
- Cambridge Judge Business School, LT2
- Cambridge Judge Business School, LT3
- Cambridge Judge Business School, room KH107
- Cambridge Judge Business School, Room W2.02
- Cambridge Judge Business School, Room W4.05
- Cambridge Judge Business School, Simon Sainsbury Centre, S2.01
- Cambridge Judge Business School, Trumpington St, CB2 1AG
- Cambridge Judge Business School, Trumpington Street
- Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge, Trumpington Street, Cambridge CB2 1AG
- Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge, Trumpington Street, Cambridge CB2 1AG, UK
- Cambridge Junction & Various Cambridge Locations
- Cambridge Junction & Various Cambridge Locations
- Cambridge Junction, Clifton Way, CB1 7GX
- Cambridge Masonic Hall, Bateman Street, opposite the former entrance to the Botanic Garden
- Cambridge Mosque, 1 Mawson Road Cambridge CB1 2DZ
- Cambridge Museum of Technology, Cheddars Lane, Cambridge, CB5 8LD
- Cambridge Museum of Technology, The Old Pumping Station Cambridge, CB5 8LD (Pye Building, entrance via Cheddars Lane)
- Cambridge Muslim College, 14 St Paul's Road, Cambridge
- Cambridge Picturehouse Cinema, St Andrew's Street, Cambridge
- Cambridge Railway Station
- Cambridge Regional College, CB4 2QT
- Cambridge Research Institute
- Cambridge SU Lounge, University Centre (CB2 1RU)
- Cambridge TBD
- Cambridge Union
- Cambridge Union Chamber, 9a Bridge Street, Cambridge, CB2 1UB
- Cambridge Union Society
- Cambridge Union Society Debating Chamber
- Cambridge Union Society, 9A Bridge Street, Cambridge CB2 1UB
- Cambridge Union, 9a Bridge Street, Cambridge, CB2 1UB
- Cambridge Union, Bridge Street, Cambridge
- Cambridge Union, Bridge Street, CB2 1UB, Cambridge, United Kingdom
- Cambridge Union, Bridge Street,Cambridge, United Kingdom CB2 1UB
- Cambridge Union, Kennedy Room
- Cambridge Univeristy Library, West Road
- Cambridge University Botanic Garden
- Cambridge University Botanic Garden, Brookside Gate entrance
- Cambridge University Botanic Garden. CB2 1JF
- Cambridge University Botanic Garden. Meet at main Brookside Street entrance.
- Cambridge University Computer Lab, William Gates Building, CB3 0FD
- Cambridge University Department of Social Anthropology - ROOM 2.3
- Cambridge University Department of Social Anthropology - Seminar Room
- Cambridge University Engineering Department
- Cambridge University Engineering Department (room to be confirmed)
- Cambridge University Engineering Department, CBL Rm #438 (http://blg.eng.cam.ac.uk/t/bin/view/Public/Contact)
- Cambridge University Engineering Department, CBL Rm #438 (http://blg.eng.cam.ac.uk/t/bin/view/Public/Directions)
- Cambridge University Engineering Department, CBL Rm #438 (http://learning.eng.cam.ac.uk/Public/Directions)
- Cambridge University Engineering Department, CBL Rm #438 (http://www.gatsby.ucl.ac.uk/~lmate/cbl/cbldirections.html)
- Cambridge University Engineering Department, CBL Seminar room BE4-38
- Cambridge University Engineering Department, CBL Seminar room BE4-38.
- Cambridge University Engineering Department, CBL Seminar room BE4-38. Zoom link available upon request.
- Cambridge University Engineering Department, CBL, BE-438
- Cambridge University Engineering Department, CBL, BE-438 (http://learning.eng.cam.ac.uk/Public/Directions)
- Cambridge University Engineering Department, CBL, BE4-38 (http://learning.eng.cam.ac.uk/Public/Directions)
- Cambridge University Engineering Department, Dyson Building Seminar Room
- Cambridge University Engineering Department, Dyson Building Teaching Room
- Cambridge University Engineering Department, Institute for Manufacturing
- Cambridge University Engineering Department, JDB Seminar room
- Cambridge University Engineering Department, Language Unit Meeting Room
- Cambridge University Engineering Department, Language Unit Meeting Room 11
- Cambridge University Engineering Department, Lecture Room 0
- Cambridge University Engineering Department, Lecture Room 10
- Cambridge University Engineering Department, Lecture Room 11
- Cambridge University Engineering Department, Lecture Room 12
- Cambridge University Engineering Department, Lecture Room 2
- Cambridge University Engineering Department, Lecture Room 3
- Cambridge University Engineering Department, Lecture room 3A
- Cambridge University Engineering Department, Lecture Room 3B
- Cambridge University Engineering Department, Lecture Room 4
- Cambridge University Engineering Department, Lecture Room 4, Trumpington Street, Cambridge
- Cambridge University Engineering Department, Lecture Room 5
- Cambridge University Engineering Department, Lecture Room 6
- Cambridge University Engineering Department, Lecture Room 6 (Trumpington Street)
- Cambridge University Engineering Department, Lecture Room number LR10
- Cambridge University Engineering Department, Lecture Room number LR11
- Cambridge University Engineering Department, Lecture Room number LR12
- Cambridge University Engineering Department, Lecture Room number LR4
- Cambridge University Engineering Department, Lecture Room number TBD
- Cambridge University Engineering Department, Lecture Theater 2
- Cambridge University Engineering Department, Lecture Theatre 0
- Cambridge University Engineering Department, Lecture Theatre 1
- Cambridge University Engineering Department, Lecture Theatre 2
- Cambridge University Engineering Department, Lecture Theatre 3
- Cambridge University Engineering Department, Lecture Theatre 4
- Cambridge University Engineering Department, Lecture Theatre 5
- Cambridge University Engineering Department, Lecture Theatre 6
- Cambridge University Engineering Department, LR10
- Cambridge University Engineering Department, LR11
- Cambridge University Engineering Department, LR12
- Cambridge University Engineering Department, LR2
- Cambridge University Engineering Department, LR3
- Cambridge University Engineering Department, LR3A
- Cambridge University Engineering Department, LR3B
- Cambridge University Engineering Department, LR4
- Cambridge University Engineering Department, LR5
- Cambridge University Engineering Department, LR6
- Cambridge University Engineering Department, LT0
- Cambridge University Engineering Department, LT1
- Cambridge University Engineering Department, LT2
- Cambridge University Engineering Department, MIL Meeting room (top floor Baker Building)
- Cambridge University Engineering Department, Oatley Meeting Room (Room No. BN2-05)
- Cambridge University Engineering Department, Oatley meeting room 1
- Cambridge University Engineering Department, Oatley Room 1
- Cambridge University Engineering Department, Oatley Seminar Room
- Cambridge University Engineering Department, Oatley Seminar Room 2
- Cambridge University Engineering Department, Rm #438 (http://www.gatsby.ucl.ac.uk/~lmate/cbl/cbldirections.html)
- Cambridge University Engineering Department, Rm BE4-38 (http://learning.eng.cam.ac.uk/Public/Directions)
- Cambridge University Engineering Department, Room 438
- Cambridge University Engineering Department, Seminar Room JDB
- Cambridge University Engineering Department, TBA
- Cambridge University Engineering Department, TBD
- Cambridge University Engineering Department, Trumpington Street Cambridge, CB2 1PZ
- Cambridge University Engineering Department, Trumpington Street, Cambridge CB2 1PZ
- Cambridge University Engineering Department- Lecture Room 5, Trumpington Street, Cambridge CB2 1PX
- Cambridge University Engineering Department.
- Cambridge University Engineering Department. Constance Tipper Lecture Theatre
- Cambridge University Engineering Dept., Board Room (2nd floor, Baker building)
- Cambridge University Engineering Dept., CBL Seminar Room (4th floor)
- Cambridge University Law Faculty
- Cambridge University Library, Entrace Hall
- Cambridge University Library, Milstein Rooms
- Cambridge University Library, Morison Room
- Cambridge University Veterinary School, Madingley Road, CB3 0ES
- Cambridge University, Engineering Department ,Lecture Room 11
- Cambridge, further info available on registration which is required at www.meetup.com/Data-Insights-Cambridge/
- Cambrigde Computer Lab, Lecture Theatre 1
- Campus Unint
- Campus Unit
- Camridge University Engineering Department
- Canceled
- Canceled - apologies for any inconvenience caused
- Cancelled - apologies for any inconvenience caused
- Cancer Research Institute Lecture Theatre, Addenbrooke's Site
- Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute
- Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute (CRUK-CI), Robinson Way, Cambridge CB2 0RE, UK
- Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute Li Ka Shing Centre, Robinson Way, Cambridge, CB2 0RE
- Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute, Lecture Theatre
- Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute, Li Ka Shing Centre, Robinson Way, Cambridge CB2 0RE
- Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute, Li Ka Shing Centre, Robinson Way, Cambridge, CB2 0RE
- Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute, Room 001
- Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute, Room 009
- Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute, Room 215 A
- Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute, Room 215 A/B
- Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute, Room 215 A/B
- Cancer Research UK Cambridge Research Institute
- Cancer Research UK Cambridge Research Institute Lecture Theatre
- Cancer Research UK Cambridge Research Institute, Li Ka Shing Centre, Robinson Way, Cambridge, CB2 0RE
- Cancer Research UK Cambridge Research Institute, Li Ka Shing Centre, Robinson Way, Cambridge, CB2 0RE.
- Cancer Research UK Cambridge Research Institute, Lecture Theatre
- Cancer Research UK Cambridge Research Institute, Li Ka Shing Centre, Robinson Way
- Cancer Research UK Cambridge Research Institute, Library
- Cancer Research UK Cambridge Research Institute, Room 009
- Cancer Research UK Cambridge Research Institute, Room 215
- Cancer Research UK Cambridge Research Institute, Room 215a
- Cancer Research UK Institute, Li Ka Shing Centre, Robinson Way, CB2 0RE, Cambridge
- Cancer Research UK, "Li Ka Shing Centre", Robinson Way, Cambridge
- Cancer Research UK, Cambridge, Li Ka Shing Centre Robinson Way, Cambridge CB2 0RE
- CAPE building main atrium
- CAPE building seminar room 21-23. 9 JJ Thomson Ave. CB3 0FA
- CAPE building, seminar room 21-23. 9 JJ Thomson Ave. CB3 0FA
- CARET, 16 Mill Lane, 1st floor
- CARET, 16 Mill Lane, Cambridge
- CASP, 181a Huntingdon Road
- Cass Centre (Cambridge University Press)
- Cass Centre (Cambridge University Press), Shaftesbury Road, Cambridge CB2 8RU
- Castelreagh room, St. John's College
- Castle
- Castle End Meeting Room, Clare College, The Colony (https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@52.2118896,0.1152786,17z)
- Castle Meeting Room, Judge Business School, Trumpington St, CB2 1AG
- Castle Teaching Room
- Castle Teaching Room (Cambridge Judge Business School)
- Castle Teaching Room, 4th floor, Cambridge Judge Business School, Trumpington Street, CB2 1AG
- Castle Teaching Room, 4th floor, Judge Business School, Trumpington Street CB2 1AG
- Castle Teaching Room, Cambridge Judge Business School
- Castle teaching room, Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge, Trumpington Street, Cambridge CB2 1AG, UK
- Castle Teaching Room, CJBS
- Castle Teaching Room, Judge Business School
- Castle Teaching Room, Judge Business School, Trumpington St., Cambridge
- Castle Teaching Room, Judge Business School.
- Castle Teaching Room, Level 4, Judge Business School
- Castle Teaching Room, Judge Business School
- Castleraegh Room, Fisher Building, St John’s College, Cambridge, CB2 1TP
- Castlereagh room - St John's College
- Castlereagh Room at St John's College
- Castlereagh Room in the Fisher Building, St John’s College
- Castlereagh Room in the Fisher Building, St. John's College
- Castlereagh Room, Fisher Buidling, St John's College
- Castlereagh Room, Fisher Building St John’s College
- Castlereagh Room, Fisher Building St John’s College, Cambridge, CB2 1TP
- Castlereagh Room, Fisher Building, St John's College
- Castlereagh Room, Fisher Building, St John's College, Cambridge
- Castlereagh Room, Fisher Building, St John's College, Cambridge CB2 1TP
- Castlereagh Room, Fisher Building, St John's College, Cambridge, CB2 1TP
- Castlereagh Room, Fisher Building, St Johns College, Cambridge
- Castlereagh Room, Fisher Building, St Johns College, Cambridge, CB2 1TP
- Castlereagh Room, Fisher Building, St. John's College
- Cavendish Edwards room
- Cavendish laboratory
- Cavendish Laboratory pond
- Cavendish Laboratory, Pippard Lecture Theatre
- Cavendish Laboratory, Pippard Lecture Theatre & TEAMS
- Cavendish Laboratory, Pippard Lecture Theatre & TEAMS
- Cavendish Laboratory, Pippard Lecture Theatre & TEAMS
- Cavendish Laboratory, Pippard Lecture Theatre & TEAMS
- Cavendish Laboratory, Pippard Lecture Theatre & TEAMS
- Cavendish Laboratory, Pippard Lecture Theatre & TEAMS
- Cavendish Laboratory, Pippard Lecture Theatre & TEAMS
- Cavendish Laboratory, Pippard Lecture Theatre & TEAMS
- Cavendish Laboratory, Pippard Lecture Theatre & TEAMS
- Cavendish Laboratory, Pippard Lecture Theatre & TEAMS
- Cavendish Laboratory, Pippard Lecture Theatre & TEAMS
- Cavendish Laboratory, Pippard Lecture Theatre & TEAMS
- Cavendish Laboratory, Pippard Lecture Theatre & TEAMS
- Cavendish Laboratory, Pippard Lecture Theatre & TEAMS
- Cavendish Laboratory, Pippard Lecture Theatre & TEAMS
- Cavendish Laboratory, Pippard Lecture Theatre & TEAMS
- Cavendish Laboratory, Pippard Lecture Theatre & TEAMS
- Cavendish Laboratory, Pippard Lecture Theatre & TEAMS
- Cavendish Laboratory, Pippard Lecture Theatre & TEAMS
- Cavendish Laboratory, Pippard Lecture Theatre & TEAMS
- Cavendish Laboratory, Pippard Lecture Theatre & TEAMS
- Cavendish Laboratory, Pippard Lecture Theatre & TEAMS
- Cavendish Laboratory, Pippard Lecture Theatre & TEAMS
- Cavendish Laboratory, Pippard Lecture Theatre & TEAMS
- Cavendish Laboratory, Pippard Lecture Theatre & TEAMS
- Cavendish Laboratory, Pippard Lecture Theatre & TEAMS
- Cavendish Laboratory, Pippard Lecture Theatre & TEAMS
- Cavendish Laboratory, Pippard Lecture Theatre & TEAMS
- Cavendish Laboratory, Pippard Lecture Theatre & TEAMS
- Cavendish Laboratory, Pippard Lecture Theatre & TEAMS
- Cavendish Laboratory, Pippard Lecture Theatre & TEAMS
- Cavendish Laboratory, Pippard Lecture Theatre & TEAMS
- Cavendish Laboratory, Pippard Lecture Theatre & TEAMS
- Cavendish Laboratory, Pippard Lecture Theatre,
- Cavendish Laboratory, Small Lecture Theatre
- Cavendish Laboratory, Small Lecture Theatre (near Pippard Lecture Theatre)
- Cavendish Laboratory,Pippard Lecture Theatre,
- Cavendish, Edwards room
- Cavonious Room, Gonville & Caius
- Cavonious Room, Gonville & Caius College
- Cavonious Room, Gonville & Caius College
- Cavonious Room, Gonville & Caius College
- Cavonius Centre Gonville and Caius College, University of Cambridge, Trinity St CB2 1TA
- Cavonius Centre, Stephen Hawking Building, Harvey Court, West Road
- Cavonius Centre, West Road (Gonville & Cauis College)
- Cavonius Centre, West Road (Gonville & Cauis College)
- Cavonius Centre, West Road (Gonville & Cauis College)
- Cavonius room, Stephen Hawking building (West Road), Caius
- CB1 Cafe, 32 Mill Road
- CB1 Cafe, Mill Road
- CB2
- CB2 Bistro
- CB2 Bistro, 5/7 Norfolk Street, Cambridge
- CB2 Café, Norfolk Street
- CB2 Cafe, 5/7, Norfolk St, Cambridge, CB1 2LD
- CB2 Cafe, Norfolk Street, Cambridge
- CBL Meeting Room (BE-438), Cambridge University Engineering Department
- CBL Meeting Room (BE4-38, Dept. of Engineering)
- CBL Room BE-438
- CBL Room BE-438, Department of Engineering
- CBL Seminar Room
- CBL Seminar Room (BE4-38, http://learning.eng.cam.ac.uk/Public/Directions)
- CBL Seminar Room (in person), Engineering Department, 4th floor Baker building
- CBL seminar room and online on Zoom
- CBL Seminar room BE4-38
- CBL Seminar room BE4-38. For directions see http://learning.eng.cam.ac.uk/Public/Directions
- CBL Seminar Room, Engineering Department, 4th floor Baker building
- CBU lecture theatre
- CBU Lecture Theatre, 15 Chaucer Road, Cambridge.
- CC43, Cripps Court, Queens' College
- CCBI, Centre for Mathematical Sciences
- CCDC, 12 Union Road, Cambridge, CB2 1EZ
- CCLA Investment Management Limited Senator House 85 Queen Victoria Street London EC4V 4ET
- CCLA Investment Management Limited Senator House, 85 Queen Victoria Street, London EC4V 4ET
- CEB Atrium
- CEB, Lecture Room 1
- CEB, Lecture Room, TBD
- CEB, LT1 and Zoom link
- Center for Mathematical Sciences
- Center for Mathematical Sciences, Lecture room MR11
- Center for Mathematical Sciences, Lecture room MR11, https://maths-cam-ac-uk.zoom.us/j/98016675669
- Center for Mathematical Sciences, Lecture room MR11, or https://maths-cam-ac-uk.zoom.us/j/98016675669
- Center for Mathematical Sciences, Lecture room MR11, or https://maths-cam-ac-uk.zoom.us/j/98016675669.
- Center for Mathematical Sciences, Lecture room MR13
- Center for Mathematical Sciences, Lecture room MR2
- Center for Mathematical Sciences, Lecture room MR3
- Center for Mathematical Sciences, Lecture room MR3, or https://maths-cam-ac-uk.zoom.us/j/98016675669
- Center for Mathematical Sciences, Lecture room MR4
- Center for Mathematical Sciences, Lecture room MR4 (online talk)
- Center for Mathematical Sciences, Lecture room MR4 or https://zoom.us/j/98016675669
- Center for Mathematical Sciences, Lecture room MR4, or https://maths-cam-ac-uk.zoom.us/j/98016675669
- Center for Mathematical Sciences, Lecture room MR4, or https://zoom.us/j/98016675669
- Center for Mathematical Sciences, Lecture room MR4.
- Center for Mathematical Sciences, MR 4
- Center for Mathematical Sciences, room EL.09
- Central Core
- Central core, Centre for Mathematical Sciences
- Central Lecture & Seminars - Mott Seminar (531)
- Centre for Mathematical Sciences
- Centre for Advanced Photonics and Electronics (CAPE), 9 JJ Thomson Avenue, Cambridge, CB3 0FA.
- Centre for Advanced Photonics and Electronics, 9 JJ Thompson Ave.
- Centre for Advanced Photonics and Electronics, 9, JJ Thompson Ave.
- Centre for Advanced Photonics and Electronics, 9, JJ Thomson Ave.
- Centre for Advanced Photonics and Electronics, EE Seminar Room, 9, JJ Thompson Ave.
- Centre for Animal Welfare & Anthrozoology Seminar Room, Vet Scho, Veterinary Medicine, Department of
- Centre for Animal Welfare & Anthrozoology Seminar Room, Vet Scho, Veterinary Medicine, Department of
- Centre for Animal Welfare & Anthrozoology Seminar Room, Veterinary Medicine, Department of
- Centre for Animal Welfare & Anthrozoology
- Centre for Animal Welfare & Anthrozoology Seminar Room, Department of Veterinary Medicine
- Centre for Animal Welfare & Anthrozoology Seminar Room, Department of Veterinary Medicine
- Centre for Animal Welfare & Anthrozoology Seminar Room, Department of Veterinary Medicine
- Centre for Animal Welfare & Anthrozoology Seminar Room, Department of Veterinary Medicine
- Centre for Animal Welfare & Anthrozoology Seminar Room, Department of Veterinary Medicine
- Centre for Animal Welfare & Anthrozoology Seminar Room, Department of Veterinary Medicine
- Centre for Animal Welfare & Anthrozoology Seminar Room, Department of Veterinary Medicine
- Centre for Animal Welfare & Anthrozoology Seminar Room, Department of Veterinary Medicine
- Centre for Animal Welfare & Anthrozoology Seminar Room, Department of Veterinary Medicine
- Centre for Animal Welfare & Anthrozoology Seminar Room, Department of Veterinary Medicine
- Centre for Animal Welfare & Anthrozoology Seminar Room, Department of Veterinary Medicine
- Centre for Animal Welfare & Anthrozoology Seminar Room, Department of Veterinary Medicine
- Centre for Animal Welfare & Anthrozoology Seminar Room, Department of Veterinary Medicine
- Centre for Animal Welfare & Anthrozoology Seminar Room, Department of Veterinary Medicine
- Centre for Animal Welfare & Anthrozoology Seminar Room, Department of Veterinary Medicine
- Centre for Animal Welfare & Anthrozoology Seminar Room, Department of Veterinary Medicine
- Centre for Animal Welfare & Anthrozoology Seminar Room, Department of Veterinary Medicine
- Centre for Animal Welfare & Anthrozoology Seminar Room, Department of Veterinary Medicine
- Centre for Family Research, Room 606
- Centre for Geopolitics, Fitzwilliam House 32 Trumpington Street
- Centre for Mathematical Sciences
- Centre for Mathematical Sciences (CMS)
- Centre for Mathematical Sciences MR11, CMS
- Centre for Mathematical Sciences MR12, CMS
- Centre for Mathematical Sciences MR15, CMS
- Centre for Mathematical Sciences MR2
- Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge
- Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge CB3 0WA
- Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge, Wilberforce Road, CB3 0WA
- Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Clarkson Road, Cambridge
- Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Meeting Room 11
- Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Meeting Room 11 (First floor, Pavillion B)
- Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Meeting Room 11 (Pavilion B, 1st floor)
- Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Meeting Room 12 (centre building, basement)
- Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Meeting Room 14
- Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Meeting Room 14 (centre building, basement)
- Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Meeting Room 14.
- Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Meeting Room 2
- Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Meeting Room 21 (centre building, basement)
- Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Meeting Room 3
- Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Meeting Room 3, Clarkson Road, Cambridge
- Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Meeting Room 4
- Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Meeting Room 4 (centre building, basement)
- Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Meeting Room 5
- Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Meeting Room 5 (centre building, basement)
- Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Meeting Room 5 (centre building, basement).
- Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Meeting Room 5 (centre building, basement)5
- Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Meeting Room 5 (LG, Central building)
- Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Meeting Room 9 (back building, ground floor)
- Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Meeting Room 9 (centre building, basement)
- Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Meeting Room 9 (Ground floor, Pavillion B)
- Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Meeting Room 9, Wilberforce Road, Cambridge, CB3 0WA
- Centre for Mathematical Sciences, meeting room MR14
- Centre for Mathematical Sciences, meeting room MR2
- Centre for Mathematical Sciences, MR10
- Centre for Mathematical Sciences, MR11
- Centre for Mathematical Sciences, MR12
- Centre for Mathematical Sciences, MR12; also see abstract for Zoom link
- Centre for Mathematical Sciences, MR13
- Centre for Mathematical Sciences, MR14
- Centre for Mathematical Sciences, MR15
- Centre for Mathematical Sciences, MR16
- Centre for Mathematical Sciences, MR19
- Centre for Mathematical Sciences, MR2
- Centre for Mathematical Sciences, MR21
- Centre for Mathematical Sciences, MR3
- Centre for Mathematical Sciences, MR4
- Centre for Mathematical Sciences, MR5
- Centre for Mathematical Sciences, MR9
- Centre for Mathematical Sciences, TBC
- Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Wilberforce Road
- Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Wilberforce Road, Cambridge
- Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Wilberforce Road, Cambridge CB3 0WA
- Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Wilberforce Road, Cambridge, CB3 0WA
- Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Wilberforce Road, CB3 0WA
- Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Wilberforce Road, Lecture room MR14 (Pavilion B)
- Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Wilberforce Road, Lecture room MR14 (Pavilion F)
- Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Wilberforce Road, Lecture room MR5
- Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Wilberforce Road, Lecture room MR9 (Pavilion B)
- Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Wolfson Room
- Centre for Mathematical Sciences.
- Centre for Mathenatical Sciences, Meeting Room 2
- Centre for Mathmatical Sciences, Central Core Building, University of Cambridge
- Centre for Molecular Informatics, Dept. of Chemistry
- Centre for the Study of Existential Risk, 16 Mill Lane
- Centre of African Studies, Alison Richard Building, 7 West Road, Cambridge, CB3 9DT
- Centre of African Studies, The Mond building
- Centre of Development Studies
- Centre of Development Studies' Meeting Room
- Centre of Latin American Studies, 17 Mill Lane
- Centre of South Asian Studies, Laundress Lane, CB2 1SD
- Chabad House, 37A Caslte Street, Cambridge, CB30AH
- Chadwick Room, Selwyn College
- Chadwick Room, Selwyn College, Grange Road, Cambridge
- Chancellor's Building, Wolfson College
- Chancellor’s Centre, Wolfson College University of Cambridge, Barton road, CB3 9BB
- CHANGE OF VENUE AND DATE: Seminar Room 3 at the Institute for Manufacturing, 17 Charles Babbage Road
- CHANGE OF VENUE: Block 14, Ida Darwin Hospital, Fulbourn
- CHANGE OF VENUE: Room 606 (Second Floor, Centre for Family Research Area)
- Chapel, Robinson College
- Chapel, Robinson College, Cambridge
- Chemical Engineering
- Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, LT 1
- Chemical Engineering Department
- Chemical Engineering Department (LT1)
- Chemical Engineering Department LT1
- Chemistry
- Chemistry Department (Wolfson Lecture Theatre)
- Chemistry Department Lecture Theatre
- Chemistry Department, Lensfield Road
- Chemistry Dept, Todd Hamied room and Zoom
- Chemistry Dept, Unilever
- Chemistry Dept, Unilever and Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84554294579?pwd=Und2Zkd3MHBZRG1GbHROeWNjQ2Ivdz09
- Chemistry Dept, Unilever Lecture Theatre and Teams
- Chemistry Dept, Unilever Lecture Theatre and Zoom
- Chemistry Dept, Unilever Lecture Theatre and Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81374421855?pwd=bHdnVmxxTUlyL3lzTlpiVTRmZWtIQT09
- Chemistry Dept, Unilever Lecture Theatre and Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87388257085?pwd=Ylh5RjVpRGZuWURoaVBab2ljcEY2QT09
- Chemistry of Health Meeting Room, Department of Chemistry, Cambridge
- Chemistry U202
- Chen-Tsao Lecture Theatre, Cambridge Judge Business School, Cambridge, UK
- Cherry Hinton Hall car park
- Cherry Hinton Library, High Street., Cherry Hinton, Cambridge CB1 9HZ
- Chest Medical Unit Seminar Room, Papworth Hospital
- Chetwynd & Keynes, King's College
- Chetwynd & Keynes, King's College
- Chetwynd Room, King's College
- Chetwynd Room, King's College, Cambridge
- Christ Church, Christchurch Street, Cambridge CB1 1HT
- Christ's College
- Christ's College - St Andrew's St, Cambridge CB2 3BU Cambridge, Cambridgeshire CB2 3BU
- Christ's College Chapel
- Christ's College Chapel Cambridge
- Christ's College Chapel, Cambridge
- Christ's College Chapel, St Andrew's Street, Cambridge
- Christ's College lecture theatre
- Christ's College Yusuf Hamied Theatre
- Christ's College Z-Basement
- Christ's College, Cambridge
- Christ's College, St Andrew's Street, Cambridge
- Christ's College, University of Cambridge
- Christ's College, Yusuf Hamied Theatre
- Christ's Hamied Lecture Theatre, Christ's College
- Churchill Co
- Churchill College
- Churchill College Møller Centre
- Churchill College, Bevin Room
- Churchill College, Cambridge
- Churchill College, Cambridge / Online
- Churchill College, Storey's Way Cambridge, CB3 0DS
- Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge CB3 0DS
- Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge CB3 0DS - or Online
- Churchill College, Storeys Way, Cambridge, CB3 0DS
- Churchill College, University of Cambridge
- Churchill College, Wolfson Lecture Theatre, Storeys Way, CB3 0DS
- CIMR (Cambridge Institute for Medical Research), Sackler Lecture Theater on level 7
- CIMR, Sackler Lecture Theatre
- CIMR, The Keith Peters Building, The Level 7 Lecture Theatre
- Cineworld: The O2, Peninsula Square, London, SE10 0DX
- City Centre
- CivEng Conference Room (2-54) (Civil Engineering Building)
- CivEng Conference Room (2nd Floor) (Civil Engineering Building)
- CivEng Seminar Room (1-33) (Civil Engineering Building)
- Civil Engineering Building, Seminar Room
- CJBS and Via Zoom
- CJBS room W405
- CJBS, 109 Castle Teaching Room
- CJBS, Castle Teaching Room
- CJBS, Fadi Boustany LT
- CJBS, room TBC
- CJBS, Room W2.01
- CJBS, room W2.02
- CJBS, room W201
- CJBS, room W202
- CJBS, room W4.05
- Clare Cellars, Clare College, Trinity Lane Cambridge, CB2 1TL, in the Old Court
- Clare College
- Clare College (Latimer Room)
- Clare College Latimer toom
- Clare College,
- Clare College, Cambrdige University
- Clare College, Cambridge
- Clare College, Cambridge University
- Clare College, Domus Room
- Clare College, Riley Auditorium
- Clare College, room TBC (probably the Latimer Room)
- Clare College, The Gillespie Centre, Elton-Bowring Room
- Clare College, Trinity Lane Cambridge, CB2 1TL, in the Latimer Room, in the Old Court
- Clare College, University of Cambridge
- Clare Hall
- Clare Hall Herschel Road Cambridge, CB3 9A
- Clare Hall Herschel Road Cambridge, CB3 9AL
- Clare Hall Meeting Room
- Clare Hall Richard Eden Suite
- Clare Hall, Herschel Road, Cambridge, CB3 9AN
- Clare Hall, Herschel Road, Cambridge, CB3 9AL
- Clare Hall, West Court
- Classics
- Classics Faculty, Room 1.02
- Classics Faculty, Room G.21
- Classroom, Dept of Architecture, 1-5 Scroope Terrace
- Click globe icon by speaker's name for zoom link
- Clifford Albutt Lecture theatre, Clinical School
- Clifford Albutt Lecture Theatre, Clinical School, Addenbrooke's Hospital
- Clifford Albutt, Clinical School, Addenbrooke's Hospital
- Clifford Allbutt
- Clifford Allbutt Building (the old LMB building), Cambridge Biomedical Campus, Addenbrokke's Site, Hills Road, Cambridge
- Clifford Allbutt Building Lecture Theatre
- Clifford Allbutt Building Lecture Theatre, Cambridge Biomedical Campus
- Clifford Allbutt Lecture Theatre
- Clifford Allbutt Lecture Theatre, Biomedical Campus
- Clifford Allbutt lecture theatre, Cambridge Biomedical Campus
- Clifford Allbutt Lecture Theatre, Clifford Allbutt Building
- Clifford Allbutt Lecture Theatre, Clifford Allbutt Building (former LMB building)
- Clifford Allbutt Lecture Theatre, Clifford Allbutt Building (former LMB building), Addenbrooke's site
- Clinical S
- Clinical School - Seminar room 10
- Clinical School Lecture Theatre 2
- Clinical School Lecture Theatre 2 - TBC
- Clinical School Seminar Room 10
- Clinical School Seminar Room 5, Addenbrooke's Hospital
- Clinical School Seminar Room 8
- Clinical School SR3, Addenbrooke's hospital
- Clinical School SR7, Addenbrookes Hospital
- Clinical School SR8, Addenbrookes Hospital
- Clinical School William Harvey Lecture Theatre
- Clinical School's Seminar Room 8
- Clinical School, Addenbrookes, Bay 13, Room D
- Clinical School, Addenbrookes, Bay 13, Room E
- Clinical School, Biomedical Campus
- Clinical School, Lecture Theatre 2
- Clinical School, Seminar Room 1
- Clinical School, Seminar Room 10
- Clinical School, Seminar Room 12
- Clinical School, Seminar Room 19
- Club Room, Churchill College
- Clubroom, Wolfson College (Barton Road)
- CMS - room tbc
- CMS computer room, Faculty of Music (11 West Road, Cambridge, CB3 9DP)
- CMS Computer Room, Faculty of Music (11 West Road, Cambridge, CB3 9DP) Zoom meeting https://cam-ac-uk.zoom.us/j/95274848632?pwd=M1hWOVVyeXZZOHFFT0YrdDF6WnRqZz09 Meeting ID: 952 7484 8632 Passcode: 677829
- CMS Computer Room, Faculty of Music (11 West Road, Cambridge, CB3 9DP) Zoom meeting https://cam-ac-uk.zoom.us/j/95274848632?pwd=M1hWOVVyeXZZOHFFT0YrdDF6WnRqZz09 Meeting ID: 952 7484 8632 Passcode: 677829
- CMS Computer Room, Faculty of Music (11 West Road, Cambridge, CB3 9DP); Join Zoom Meeting at https://cam-ac-uk.zoom.us/j/91530257826?pwd=aXIvL2FENzVLNndybUp0Vnprcm1adz09 Meeting ID: 915 3025 7826 Passcode: 355624
- CMS Computer room, Faculty of Music (11 West Road, Cambridge, CB3 9DP); Join Zoom Meeting https://cam-ac-uk.zoom.us/j/91530257826?pwd=aXIvL2FENzVLNndybUp0Vnprcm1adz09 Meeting ID: 915 3025 7826 Passcode: 355624
- CMS computer room, Faculty of Music (11 West Road, Cambridge, CB3 9DP); Zoom meeting: https://cam-ac-uk.zoom.us/j/95274848632?pwd=M1hWOVVyeXZZOHFFT0YrdDF6WnRqZz09 Meeting ID: 952 7484 8632 Passcode: 677829
- CMS Computer Room, Faculty of Music (11 West Road, Cambridge, CB3 9DP); Zoom meeting: https://cam-ac-uk.zoom.us/j/95274848632?pwd=M1hWOVVyeXZZOHFFT0YrdDF6WnRqZz09; Meeting ID: 952 7484 8632; Passcode: 677829
- CMS Core
- CMS lawn
- CMS Meeting Room 14
- CMS Meeting Room 2
- CMS Meeting Room 3
- CMS Meeting Room 4
- CMS Meeting Room 9
- CMS MR 14, Monday 12 November 4 pm
- CMS MR 14, Monday 15 October 4 pm
- CMS MR 14, Monday 19 November 4 pm
- CMS MR 14, Monday 22 October 4 pm
- CMS MR 14, Monday 26 November 4 pm
- CMS MR 14, Monday 29 October 4 pm
- CMS MR 14, Monday 5 November 4 pm
- CMS MR 14, Monday 8 October 4 pm
- CMS MR11
- CMS MR13
- CMS MR13 ?
- CMS MR14
- CMS MR14 (To be Confirmed)
- CMS MR15
- CMS MR16
- CMS Room TBC
- CMS, Meeting Room 15
- CMS, Potter Room (B1.19)
- CMS, Meeting Room 15
- CMS, Meeting Room 2
- CMS, Meeting Room 5
- CMS, Meeting Room 9, Wilberforce Road, Cambridge, CB3 0WA
- CMS, Meeting Room 9, Wilberforce Road, Cambridge, CB3 0WA.
- CMS, meeting room tbc
- CMS, MR to be confirmed
- CMS, MR10
- CMS, MR11
- CMS, MR12
- CMS, MR13
- CMS, MR14
- CMS, MR15
- CMS, MR16
- CMS, MR2
- CMS, MR2/MR3/MR4
- CMS, MR20
- CMS, MR21
- CMS, MR3
- CMS, MR4
- CMS, MR4 (note unusual location)
- CMS, MR5
- CMS, MR5 **note the UNUSUAL venue**
- CMS, MR6
- CMS, MR9
- CMS, Pav. B, *Special Location* MR9
- CMS, Pav. B, CTC Common Room (B1.19) [Potter Room]
- CMS, Pav. B, Meeting Room 11 (MR11)
- CMS, Pav. B, MR09 (B0.09)
- CMS, Pav. B, MR9 (B0.09)
- CMS, Pav. B, Special Location MR9
- CMS, Pav.B, CTC Common Room (B1.19)
- CMS, Pav.B, CTC Common Room (B1.19).
- CMS, Pav.B, First Floor Common Room (B1.19)
- CMS, Pav.B, Meeting Room 9 (ground floor)
- CMS, Pav.B, Meeting Room 9 (ground floor).
- CMS, Pav.B, Meeting Room 9 (ground floor)..
- CMS, Potter Room (B1.19)
- CMS, RM9
- CMS, Room TBC
- CMS, Room to be confirmed
- CMS, Wilberforce Road, Cambridge, CB3 0WB
- CMS; Millennium Mathematics Project event (http://mmp.maths.org)
- CMS; Millennium Mathematics Project event http://mmp.maths.org
- Co-hosted with Pardee Center for the Study of Longer-Range Future, Boston University
- Co-hosted with Pardee Center, Boston University
- Cockcroft Lecture Theatre, Cockcroft Building
- Cockcroft Lecture Theatre, New Museums Site
- Cockroft Lecture Theatre and Zoom
- Coffee area, Battcock Centre
- Coffee area, Battcock Centre for Experimental Astrophysics
- Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, Chaucer Road, Cambridge
- Coleridge Room at Jesus College
- Coleridge Room, Jesus College
- Coleridge Room, Jesus College, Cambridge
- Coleridge Room, Jesus College, Cambridge CB5 8BL
- Coleridge Room, Jesus College, Cambridge, CB5 8BL
- Coleridge Room, Jesus College.
- Colleges and Universities
- Columbia University
- Combination Room, Hughes Hall, University of Cambridge
- Combination Room, Wolfson College
- Combination Room/Pfeiffer Room, Hughes Hall, University of Cambridge
- Committee Room (1st floor, Bragg Building), Cavendish Laboratory, Department of Physics
- Committee Room 213, Cavendish Laboratory
- Committee Room, Bragg Building, Cavendish Laboratory, Department of Physics
- Committee Room, Cavendish Laboratory
- Committee Room, Cavendish Laboratory, Department of Physics
- Committee Room, Faculty of SPS, New Museums Site, Free School Lane
- Committee Room, PPSIS, New Museums Site
- Committee Room, Social and Political Science
- Common Room, Department of Earth Sciences
- Common Room, Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
- Common Room, Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, University of Cambridge Sidgwick Avenue, Cambridge CB3 9DA
- Common Room, Faculty of Oriental Studies
- Common Room, IfM, 17 Charles Babbage Road
- Community Room, 7 Charles Babbage Road, West Cambridge, CB3 0FZ
- Community Room, West Cambridge, CB3 0FZ
- Computer Lab
- Computer Lab, FW11
- Computer Lab, FW11 and Online
- Computer Lab, FW11 and Online (zoom link below)
- Computer Lab, FW11 and Online (zoom link on this page)
- Computer Lab, FW11 and Online (zoom link will appear shortly before the talk)
- Computer Lab, FW11 and Online: https://cam-ac-uk.zoom.us/j/89965171767?pwd=RlJSUCtaVHlPL0laTzM2VzB6d1V6UT09
- Computer Lab, FW26
- Computer Lab, FW26 and Online
- Computer Lab, GC22
- Computer Lab, LT1
- Computer Lab, LT2 and Online
- Computer Lab, room to be confirmed
- Computer Lab, SS03
- Computer Lab, SS03 and Online
- Computer Lab, SS08
- Computer Lab, SW00
- Computer Lab, TBD
- Computer Lab, William Gates Bldg, Room F11, CB3 0FD (directions: http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/directions/)
- Computer Laboratory room FW11
- Computer Laboratory, Room FC22
- Computer Laboratory, Room FW09
- Computer Laboratory, Room FW11
- Computer Laboratory, room FW11 (first floor)
- Computer Laboratory, Room FW26
- Computer Laboratory, Room LT2
- Computer Laboratory, Room SN08
- Computer Laboratory, room SS03
- Computer Laboratory, Room TBA
- Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, UK
- Computer Laboratory, West Cambridge Site
- Computer Laboratory, William Gates Building
- Computer Laboratory, William Gates Building, FW11
- Computer Laboratory, William Gates Building, FW11 And Remote
- Computer Laboratory, William Gates Building, FW26
- Computer Laboratory, William Gates Building, GN06
- Computer Laboratory, William Gates Building, Lecture Theatre 1
- Computer Laboratory, William Gates Building, Lecture Theatre 2
- Computer Laboratory, William Gates Building, LT1
- Computer Laboratory, William Gates Building, LT2
- Computer Laboratory, William Gates Building, Rainbow Room
- Computer Laboratory, William Gates Building, Room FN05
- Computer Laboratory, William Gates Building, Room FS07
- Computer Laboratory, William Gates Building, Room FW09
- Computer Laboratory, William Gates Building, Room FW11
- Computer Laboratory, William Gates Building, Room FW11 (note change of room)
- Computer Laboratory, William Gates Building, Room FW11.
- Computer Laboratory, William Gates Building, Room FW26
- Computer Laboratory, William Gates Building, Room FW26 (!)
- Computer Laboratory, William Gates Building, Room FW26.
- Computer Laboratory, William Gates Building, Room GS15
- Computer Laboratory, William Gates Building, Room SS03
- Computer Laboratory, William Gates Building, Room SW00
- Computer Laboratory, William Gates Building, Room SW01
- Computer Laboratory, William Gates Building, SS03, and remote
- Computer Laboratory, William Gates Builiding
- Computer Room, Centre for Music and Science, Faculty of Music (11 West Road, Cambridge, CB3 9DP); Join Zoom Meeting https://cam-ac-uk.zoom.us/j/91530257826?pwd=aXIvL2FENzVLNndybUp0Vnprcm1adz09 Meeting ID: 915 3025 7826 Passcode: 355624
- Computing Service
- Computing Service Video Conferencing Suite, New Museum Site
- Computing Service, New Museum Site
- Concert Hall, Faculty of Music
- Conference Room, 3rd Floor, Central Library, Cambridge CB2 3QD
- Conference Room, British Antarctic Survey, Madingley Road
- Conference Room, Civil Engineering Building, JJ Thomson Avenue 7a.
- Conservation Science Lab, 1st Floor, Zoology Department, New Museums Site
- Conservation Science Lab, 1st Floor, Zoology Department, New Museums Site Downing Street, Cambridge, CB2 3EJ
- Conservation Science Lab, 1st Floor, Zoology Department, New Museums Site, Downing Street, Cambridge, CB2 3EJ
- Contact organiser for details
- Contact Wendy von Niebel for details
- convertidor
- Cormack Room, The University Centre, Granta Place, Cambridge CB2 1RU
- Cormack Room, University Centre, Granta Place
- Cormack Room, University Centre, Granta Place, CB2 1RU, Mill Lane, United Kingdom
- Corn Exchange, Cambridge
- Corpus Christi College
- Corpus Christi College, Trumpington Street
- Corpus Christi College.
- Corpus Christi, Room I4
- COS 124, Coslett Building, ARU Cambridge Campus
- Coslett (COS207), Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge
- Coslett 408 (Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge Campus)
- Coslett Building (COS 107), Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge
- Coslett Building 124 (Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge Campus)
- Coslett Building, Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge
- Coslett Building, Cos124, Anglia Ruskin University
- Coslett Building, Room 117, Anglia Ruskin University
- Cottenham Village College
- Council Room
- Council Room, New Hall
- Council Room, Old Schools, Kings Parade, Cambridge CB2 1ST
- Council Room, Wolfson College
- Courtyard Marriott Hotel, newport Pagnell
- Courtyard Marriott Hotel, Newport Pagnell, MK16 0JA
- Covent Garden Drama Studio, Mill Road, Cambridge
- CPGM group on MS Teams
- Craash, Alison Richard Building, 7 West Road, Cambridge, CB3 9DT
- Craik Marshall Building
- Craik Marshall Seminar Room
- Craik Marshall, Dept. Psychology, Downing Site
- Craik Seminar Room (Zoom link: www.bayslab.org/craikjc)
- Craik Seminar Room, Craik-Marshall Building, Downing Site
- Cranfield University, College Road, Cranfield, Bedfordshire MK43 0AL
- CRASSH 17, Mill Lane
- CRASSH 17, Mill Lane, Cambridge
- CRASSH Alison Richard Building, 7 West Road, Cambridge, CB3 9DT
- CRASSH and CRP, Alison Richard Building, West Road, University of Cambridge
- CRASSH Meeting Room, 17 Mill Lane
- CRASSH Meeting Room, Alison Richard Building, 7 West Road, Cambridge, CB3 9DT
- CRASSH Seminar Room
- CRASSH Seminar Room 17 Mill Lane
- CRASSH Seminar Room, 17 Mill Lane
- CRASSH, 17 Mill Lane
- CRASSH, 17 Mill Lane, Cambridge
- CRASSH, 17 Mill Lane, Cambridge CB2 1RX
- CRASSH, 17 Mill Lane, Cambridge, CB2 1RX
- CRASSH, 17 Mill Lane, Cambridge, CB2 1RX.
- CRASSH, 7 West Road, Cambridge, CB3 9DP
- CRASSH, Alison Richard Building, 7 West Road, Cambridge
- CRASSH, Alison Richard Building, 7 West Road, Cambridge, CB3 9DP
- CRASSH, Alison Richard Building, 7 West Road, Cambridge, CB3 9DT
- CRASSH, Alison Richard Building, West Road (Room SG1/SG2)
- CRASSH, Alison Richard Building, West Road, Cambridge
- CRASSH, CRASSH (Centre for Research in Arts, Social Sciences and Humanit
- CRASSH, S1, ground floor, Alison Richard Building
- CRASSH, Seminar Room
- CRASSH, Seminar room SG1, Ground floor
- CRASSH, Seminar room SG2, Ground floor
- CRASSH, Seminar Room, 17 Mill Lane
- CRASSH, SG1, ground floor, Alison Richard Building
- CRASSH, SG2, ground floor, Alison Richard Building
- CRASSH: The Alison Richard Building
- Crausaz Wordsworth Building, Robinson College - plenary room
- Crausaz Wordsworth Building, Robinson College, Adams Road
- Crausaz Wordsworth Building, Robinson College, Cambridge
- CRI Auditorium, Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cancer Research UK, Cambridge Research Institute, Li Ka Shing Centre
- CRI Lecture Theatre
- CRI Lecture Theatre, Cambridge Research Institute
- CRI Room 009
- Cripp's Court, Magdelene College
- Cripp's Court, Magdelene College ttp://map.cam.ac.uk/#/annotate/adapters/v4.json?mp=main;xx=1675;yy=480;m
- Cripp's Court, Magdelene Collegettp://map.cam.ac.uk/#/annotate/adapters/v4.json?mp=main;xx=1675;yy=480;m
- Cripps Auditorium, Cripps Court, Magdalene College
- Cripps Auditorium, Magdalene College
- Cripps Court Auditorium Cripps Court Magdalene College Cambridge CB4 3AD
- Cripps Court Auditorium, 1-3 Chesterton Road
- Cripps Court Auditorium, Magdalene College
- Cripps Court Auditorium, Magdalene College, Chesterton Road
- Cripps Court, Chesterton Lane, Magdalene College, Cambridge
- Cripps Court, Magdalene
- Cripps Court, Magdalene College
- Cripps Court, Magdalene College Chesterton Road
- Cripps Court, Magdalene College,
- Cripps Court, Magdalene College, 1-3 Chesterton Road
- Cripps Court, Magdalene College, Cambridge
- Cripps Court, Magdelene College
- Cripps Meeting Room 3, Cripps Court Building, Chesterton Road, Magdalene College
- Cripps Meeting Room 3, Magdalene College
- Cripps Meeting Room 4, Cripps Court Building, Chesterton Road, Magdalene College
- Cripps Meeting Room 5, Cripps Court Building, Chesterton Road, Magdalene College
- Cripps Seminar 5, Magdalene College
- Cripps Thesatre, Magdalene College (Chesterton Road entrance)
- Crown Hotel Melbourne, Melbourne
- Crowne Plaza Hotel
- Crowne Plaza Hotel, Cambridge
- CRUK cafe, Li Ka Shing Centre, CB2 0RE
- CRUK cafe, Li Ka Shing Centre, CB2 0RE.
- CRUK Cambridge Institute Lecture Theatre
- CRUK Cambridge Institute lecture theatre, Li Ka Shing Centre, Robinson Way, Cambridge CB2 0RE
- CRUK Cambridge Institute Lecture Theatre, Robinson Way, Cambridge CB2 0RE
- CRUK Cambridge Institute room 009, Li Ka Shing Centre, Robinson Way, Cambridge CB2 0RE
- CRUK Cambridge Institute Room 215
- CRUK Cambridge Research Institute
- CRUK Cambridge Research Institute (Li Ka Shing Centre - Robinson Way), Cambridge Biomedical Campus
- CRUK Cambridge Research Institute - LiKa Shing Centre - Robinson Way - Cambridge - CB2 0RE
- CRUK Cambridge Research Institute Lecture Theatre
- CRUK Cambridge Research Institute Lecture Theatre (Li Ka Shing Centre - Robinson Way)
- CRUK Cambridge Research Institute, Li Ka Shing Centre, Robinson Way, Cambridge CB2 0RE
- CRUK Cambridge Research Institute, Li Ka Shing Centre, Robinson Way, Cambridge, CB2 0RE
- CRUK Cambridge Research Institute
Li Ka Shing Centre
- CRUK CI - Room to be confirmed
- CRUK CI Lecture Theatre
- CRUK CI Lecture Theatre (Room 001)
- CRUK CI Lecture Theatre and https://zoom.us/j/97592722368?pwd=eXg4bHN3SEJKMm5hRXpCZUtncnVBdz09
- CRUK CI Lecture Theatre and on Zoom
- CRUK CI Lecture Theatre and Zoom
- CRUK CI Room 009/009A
- CRUK CI Room 013
- CRUK CI Room 215
- CRUK CI Room 215A
- CRUK CI Room 215A/B
- CRUK CI Room 215B
- CRUK CI, lecture theatre, Robinson Way, Cambridge CB2 0RE
- CRUK CI, MRC LMB, Gurdon institute, CAIC
- CRUK CI, Room 009/009A
- CRUK CRI lecture theatre - (Li Ka Shing Centre - Robinson Way)
- CRUK CRI Li Ka Shing Centre, Addenbrooke's Site
- CRUK-CI Lecture Theatre
- CSAS Seminar Room, Alison Richard Building, 7 West Road, CB3 9DP
- CSD meeting room 12.30
- CSER (see http://cser.org/contact/)
- CSER (see http://cser.org/contact/) Seminar Room 2.49
- CSM, Room to be confirmed
- CTC common room
- CTR, Cambridge Judge Business School
- CU Department of the History and Philosophy of Science
- CUEd
- CUED Baker Building - CLIC 1 Meeting Rm
- CUED LR4 /zoom
- CUED LR4/zoom
- CUED, LR11
- CUED, LR10
- CUED, LT 6
- CUED,Board Room
- CUED. LR0, Constance Tipper
- Curtis Auditorium, Clare College, University of Cambridge
- CUSU Lounge
- CUSU Lounge, 17 Mill Lane
- Cybe Cafe, Chemistry, Department of (Unilever Centre for Molecular Informat
- Cyber Cafe, Chemistry, Department of
- Cynthia Beerbower Room, Newnham College