Edwin Rose
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Name: | Edwin Rose |
Affiliation: | Department of History and Philosophy of Science |
E-mail: | (only provided to users who are logged into talks.cam) |
Last login: | Fri May 18 22:20:34 +0000 2018 |
Public lists managed by Edwin Rose
Talks given by Edwin Rose
Obviously this only lists talks that are listed through talks.cam. Furthermore, this facility only works if the speaker's e-mail was specified in a talk. Most talks have not done this.
- Exploration, Empire, and a Revolution in the Natural History of the Pacific, 1769-1840
- Empire, indigenous knowledge and the practice of recording and classifying the plants of New Zealand, 1769–1838
- George Howard Darwin and the ‘Public’ Understanding of Nature
- Books, botany and the organisation of nature in 18th-century Cambridge
- Books, Botany and the Understanding of Nature in Eighteenth-Century Cambridge
- Joseph Banks, Georg Forster and the Publication of Nature in the Age of Revolutions
- Printing, publishing and circulating books across Joseph Banks's empire
- The Endeavour journal and the natural historical working practices of Joseph Banks and Daniel Solander, 1768–1771
Talks organised by Edwin Rose
This list is based on what was entered into the 'organiser' field in a talk. It may not mean that Edwin Rose actually organised the talk, they may have been responsible only for entering the talk into the talks.cam system.
- Ten things you always wanted to know about Hans Sloane, founder of the British Museum... but were afraid to ask
- Exploring John Woodward's scientific writing in his catalogues of fossils (1728, 1729)
- Clas Fredrik Hornstedt, the 'last Linnaean' in the East Indies, 1783–4
- Poetic electrons: Ted Hughes and the mayfly
- When a stone is not a stone: doing alchemy with plants and animals
- Reading colonial photography: the publication and reception of A Phrenologist Amongst the Todas (1873)
- James Cuninghame – 'a learned and most industrious promoter of natural philosophy'
- Natural history and the antiquarian
- Changes in the culture of biological recording, 1955–2015
- Natural history or psychology? Reading expressions and being read in Darwin's science of interdependence
- Pathology and preparations at the Great Windmill Street School
- The Endeavour journal and the natural historical working practices of Joseph Banks and Daniel Solander, 1768–1771
- Preparing for doomsday: vulnerability and the contemporary history of genebanking, 1970–2008
- Piety, diligence and learning: knowledge of American naturalia in Abraham Hill's commonplace books
- Ethnographic collecting and the despotism of Joseph Banks
- The mine as a subterranean Kunstkammer
- Conrad Gessner, the Zurich Lectorium, and the study of physics and medicine in the early modern world
- Learning to know: the educations of Richard Hakluyt and Thomas Harriot
- After Cook: Joseph Banks and his travelling natures, 1787–1810
- The natural history of the Napoleonic Wars: collecting at the East India Company c. 1798–1820
- 'Why do entomologists want a weekly newspaper?': periodicals and the practice of nineteenth-century natural history