Ruth Rushworth
Name: | Ruth Rushworth |
Affiliation: | University of Cambridge |
E-mail: | (only provided to users who are logged into talks.cam) |
Last login: | Mon Jun 17 09:28:56 +0000 2013 |
Public lists managed by Ruth Rushworth
Talks given by Ruth Rushworth
Obviously this only lists talks that are listed through talks.cam. Furthermore, this facility only works if the speaker's e-mail was specified in a talk. Most talks have not done this.
Talks organised by Ruth Rushworth
This list is based on what was entered into the 'organiser' field in a talk. It may not mean that Ruth Rushworth actually organised the talk, they may have been responsible only for entering the talk into the talks.cam system.
- Clare Birchall: Conspiracy Theory, Secrecy, Transparency
- The Artist and the Museum: a Clash of Disciplinary Cultures?
- Personhood, the State, and the International Community in the Thought of Charles Malik
- Ephemeral Matter
- Chiang Kaishek's Experience with Britain and his Private Thoughts, 1917-1949
- Judith Butler: Understanding Society
- Jaroslav and the Taste for Folkloric Performances in Socialist Mongolia: an Ideal–Type Inspired from Fictional Literature
- Maoist Rectification during Wartime
- Memory, Cosmology and Materiality in Prehistoric Malta
- Symposium on The Future of Deadly conflict is Optimism Defensible
- Eliminating Nuclear Weapons: An Impossible Dream?
- Eliminating Nuclear Weapons: An Impossible Dream?
- Ending Mass Atrocity Crimes: A Hopeless Dream?
- Ending Mass Atrocity crimes: A Hopeless Dream
- Cornel West in conversation with Ben Okri on Literature and the Nation
- Ending Deadly Conflict: A Naïve Dream?
- Ending the Deadly Conflict: A Naive Dream?
- The Articulation of Bureaucratic Everydayness in the Indian Himalaya
- Cornel West in conversation with MM McCabe on Philosophy in the Public Sphere
- Cornel West in conversation with Paul Gilroy on Politics and Race
- Bilingualism and Biliteracy in Oscan South Italy?
- Chiang Kaishek and the Japanese Ichigo Offensive of 1944
- Guesswork: System, Science, and the Advancement of Knowledge
- Romantic Liberalism in Southern Europe, c. 1820-1850
- Anxiety, Profusion and the Nineteenth-Century Natural History Object
- John Brande Trend: The Life of a Scholar Gypsy
- Pagan attitudes: Christianity observed in the second century CE
- Perspectives on Women’s Political Participation and Role in Peacemaking and Peacebuilding
- Women as Entrepreneurs and Employees: Critical Drivers of Economic Growth in Both Developed and Emerging Economies
- When System Met History: The Tectonics of the Modern Disciplines
- 'Women's Rights are Human Rights'. The Beijing Platform for Action: An Unfinished Agenda
- The Open City
- Information, Intelligence, and the New Wars
- The Transformation of War
- A Local History
- The Political Configuration of Identities
- The Future of Conflict, Combat, and Intervention
- The Future of States in the Digital Age and the Balkanisation of the Internet
- The Next 5 Billion: Life in Our New Connected Age
- Greece and China: Some Comparative Experiences
- Greece and China: Why Some Comparisons Make More Difference than Others
- Title to be confirmed
- Change as Constant
- Destruction, Alteration, Renewal
- The Many Faces of Context
- Professor Marilyn Strathern: Taking care of a concept: anthropological reflections on the assisted society
- Professor Bruno Latour: The Modes of Existence project: an exercise in collective inquiry and digital humanities
- Composing Mozart
- Improvising Mozart
- Professor Juliet Mitchell: 'in my heart there was a kind of fighting' (Hamlet): some thoughts on warring and war
- Lord Giddens: Understanding Society - A Sociologist's Perspective
- DH23Things Launch
- If you build it, will they come? Mobilising online communities for research
- Urban Democracy by Design?
- Ideology-Free Politics: A Bottom-Up Approach
- This Project Will Self-Destruct in Five Years
- 'A Little Ghost in Natural Colors': Nabokov and the Reproduction of Colour
- The Tastes of Wine: Towards a Cultural History
- A Conversation with Adam Thorpe
- Territorial Phantom Pains and Other Cartographic Anxieties
- What is Media Archaeology?
- Writing, Art and Chinese Culture
- Demolition Projects: Absence as Contemporaneity
- Representing Vacancy: Absence as Memory
- Pillow and Mirror: Absence as Subjectivity
- Hungry for the Word! Starvation as Sacrifice Among Scottish Christian Fishermen
- The Road to Rio: Recommitting to sustainable development
- Development in the 21st Century
- Putting resilience at the heart of the development agenda
- Filming War
- Uncertain Date, Uncertain Place: Interpreting the History of Jewish Communities in the Byzantine Empire using Geographical Information Systems
- Using Social Media Data for Research: The Ethical Challenges
- Figuring War
- Writing War
- Central European Émigrés at the Oxford Institute of Statistics
- What is Media Archaeology?
- What is Media Archaeology?
- Suddenly, a Knock on the Door
- The Example of Poetry
- At Home With Strangers: Urban Life and the Moral Force of Nationalism
- Bought and Sold: Women and the Global Market
- Women’s Rights and Women’s Woes: Who says human rights are universal?
- Sibyl and the Elder: Women addressing the system. Has it changed?
- Senses of Justice in Climate Policy: Representation and Policy-Making in Cap and Trade Systems
- Digital Editions Working Lunch
- Negotiating social and political righteousness through the myth of Don Juan in early twentieth-century Spain
- The Last Words
- Digital Editions Working Lunch
- Professor Simon Szreter: The Idea of the University
- Open Data: what it means for future research
- David Willetts: The Idea of the University
- A Network Theory of Multidimensional Power
- Communication Technology and Social Movements
- Communication, Power and the State
- Digital Research Infrastructure and the Humanities
- Professor Martin Rees: The Idea of the University
- Professor Sir Leszek Borysiewicz: The Idea of the University
- Enchantments in the Arabian Nights, or, The Life of the Jinn
- Professor Onora O'Neill: The Idea of the University
- The Evolution of Digital Humanities as a Field
- Professor Stefan Collini: The Very Idea of the University
- The Imaginary Film
- Visage (dir. Tsai Ming-Liang, 2009)
- The University Art Museum - What Difference Does it Make?
- Improvisation in the Round
- Translation: Theory and Practice in the Modern Language Department
- The Olfactory Aesthetic of Eighteenth-Century Writing
- Defining Insider Trading
- Services, Care Packages and Empowered Users
- Achilles’ Horses, Twombly’s War: Monuments, Mourning, and Mars
- Modelling Nature: Representation in Philosophy and Sociology of Science
- Open Rehearsal with Alfred Brendel and Szymanowski Quartet
- Light and Shade of Interpretation
- On money, debt and morality: Before Smith, Smith, After Smith
- On Character in Music
- Marilyn Strathern: Gifts money cannot buy
- Radical Translation: Analytic Philosophy in America
- Symposium with Prof Nancy Fraser
- Between Marketisation and Social Protection
- Colloquium with Professor Cathy Caruth
- After the End: Psychoanalysis in the Ashes of History
- The Wages of Care: Reproductive Labour as Fictitious Commodity
- A Polanyian Feminism?
- The Arts and Humanities: Endangered Species?
- The Nature of War: a Humanitas Visiting Professorships Symposium
- How does War end? The Problem of Victory (and Defeat)
- Scholars at Risk: Human Rights and Academic Freedom
- How is War fought? The Problem of War's changing Character
- How is War directed? The Problem of Strategy