Talks on 2016/3/3
Thursday 03 March 2016
- 10:00 - Biomolecular thermodynamics and calorimetry (ITC)
- 11:30 - When ice meets ocean: meltwater plumes from the murky depths
- 12:00 - Domestication, imperialism and the emergence of pandemic retroviral infection in small ruminants
- 12:00 - The Discovery of Richard III
- 12:00 - The statistical physics of swimming algae
- 12:30 - Public Policy Research Seminar: 'Policy, Politics and Morality in the Regulation of Gambling: the UK Experience'
- 13:00 - Innovation, Social Connections, and the Boundary of the Firm
- 13:00 - Making PCI safer, insights from NICOR
- 13:00 - Effects of fluctuating light on photosynthesis and stomatal behaviour: impacts on carbon gain and water use efficiency
- 13:00 - 'A day of comparatively small things': spatial anxiety in the high British Empire
- 13:00 - CANCELLED
- 13:00 - Reinventing European Research and Innovation for the Information Age
- 13:10 - Why are minorities at higher risk of developing psychotic disorders?
- 14:00 - Gene and Genome Regulation in Early Fruit Fly Neurogenesis.
- 14:00 - Model Predictive Control for changing operation conditions
- 14:15 - Hidden variables, hidden states and hidden nonlocality: the in-equivalence of entanglement and nonlocality
- 14:30 - Product mixing and product-free sets in the alternating group
- 14:30 - Building a community model for robustness and extensibility
- 15:00 - On the inverse scattering method for integrable PDEs on graphs
- 15:00 - Do Not Believe Everything You Read in the Papers
- 15:30 - Reading Rivière in early modern England: tracing early modern epistemic itineraries
- 15:30 - The brain on stress - Mechanisms underlying increases risk to develop psychopathologies
- 16:00 - Power laws in dislocation plasticity
- 16:00 - The mass function of stars and black holes in globular clusters
- 16:00 - Sri Lanka’s visual identity: from Ceylon tea to Tamil Tigers
- 16:15 - Cell wall deficient (L-form) bacteria: from cell biology to the origins of life
- 16:30 - Rumours, Diseases and Drugs: Tackling Textual Data for Knowledge Discovery in Health
- 16:30 - The one about Matt Damon and the UK National Nuclear Laboratory
- 17:00 - Sarah M.S. Pearsall: Enlightenment, Polygamy, Vampires
- 17:00 - LfL Supper Seminar - Three projects with children in different places from Cambridge Curiosity and Imagination
- 17:30 - Sense of Place lecture series: "The City Destroyed, the City Restored: Wilno (Vilnius) in the Mid-Seventeenth Century"
- 17:30 - Rebekka Reinhard: 'The Art of Failure'
- 17:30 - Emily Bell in Conversation with Mary Beard
- 18:00 - Neoliberalism: the theory and the empirics
- 18:30 - Learn to use a microscope
- 18:30 - Lord Chris Smith: Public Policy and Arts and Culture
- 18:30 - Future Debates: Robotics and Artificial Intelligence
- 19:00 - Deep Learning in Industry and Research powered by GPUs
- 19:30 - ‘Archaeology and Language’ by James Clackson