Talks on 2014/11/26
Wednesday 26 November 2014
- 10:30 - Validity unpacked
- 11:00 - Seagliders: a useful new tool for observing Antarctic oceanic processes
- 11:00 - Oracle Variational Inference
- 11:00 - STFC collaborative R&D funding
- 11:00 - Scenario Sets, Risk Measures and Stress Testing Part 1: Theory
- 12:00 - Can information and communication technologies save the environment?
- 12:30 - Anxious individuals have difficulty learning the causal statistics of aversive environments
- 13:00 - Wild Animal Skins in Victorian Britain: The Belle Vue Zoo, Manchester
- 13:00 - Interventionist causation and the placement problem
- 13:00 - Bdelloid rotifers: unveiling the mystery of an evolutionary scandal
- 13:00 - Lambda, the ultimate config format
- 13:00 - ‘You need three generations to nurture an elite student’: Mainland Chinese students in a Hong Kong university
- 13:30 - Plenary Lecture 1: Engineering syntrophic exchange in synthetic microbial communities
- 14:00 - Digital Discovery and Design: the new age of materials on demand
- 14:00 - LCA in waste and energy systems, biochemical processes and catalysis
- 14:00 - Text Analysis of Social Media Beyond Twitterdome
- 14:00 - Multi-scale studies on transcription factors
- 14:00 - Scenario Sets, Risk Measures and Stress Testing Part 2: Implementation
- 14:05 - Plenary Lecture 2: Cooperation and competition in microbial communities
- 14:15 - Canonical Coordinates from Tropical Curves
- 14:15 - Scattering and unstable hadrons in lattice QCD
- 14:40 - Plenary Lecture 3: Bacterial interactions in synthetic communities and in the wild
- 15:00 - Translation machinery in mitochondria – from structure towards clinic
- 16:00 - The Crowley-Nordström invariant for G2 manifolds
- 16:00 - Efficient non-parametric estimation of compound Poisson processes.
- 16:00 - Trickle down in cities? An empirical analysis on the relation between the share of higher educated residents and employment growth for lower-educated in a panel of cities
- 16:00 - A ground-based view on exoplanet atmospheres
- 16:15 - Evidence-based Veterinary medicine – so what?
- 16:20 - Plenary Lecture 5: Engineering microbial community architecture to set community metabolism
- 16:30 - Statistics Clinic IV - Michaelmas 2014
- 16:30 - Simple groups which are almost of Lie type
- 16:30 - Assessing the vulnerability of the Weddell Sea sector of West Antarctic Ice Sheet to future changes
- 16:30 - Extreme pattern of genetic diversity in humans
- 16:30 - Can Educational Research Ever Justify Imposing Teaching Methods?
- 16:45 - Exoplanet Journal Club
- 17:00 - Crystals and optics: Huygens and Wollaston
- 17:00 - Being the change: the Aam Aadmi Party and the politics of curative democracy
- 17:00 - "The demoniac tune of the zarabanda”: erotic dance-songs in Early Modern Spain
- 17:00 - Earthquake Effects on Critical Infrastructure
- 17:00 - Remembering, Rereading, and Reviewing the Canon: the case of The Secret Garden
- 17:00 - Family Politics: Domestic Life, Devastation and Survival 1900-1950
- 17:30 - Disablitly and Austerity: Shifting Perspectives
- 18:00 - Friedrich von Gentz, the Congress of Vienna, and the problem of Perpetual Peace
- 18:30 - Creating transparent intact animal organs for high-resolution 3D deep-tissue imaging
- 19:00 - Pompeii and Herculaneum: does the past have a future?
- 19:00 - PhD Information Event
- 19:00 - An Introduction to Analogue Computing
- 20:00 - Physics, nanotechnology and the future of medicine and biology
- 20:00 - Professor Danny Dorling: "Geography and Inequality- Is there a problem, and are we part of it?"
- 21:00 - Geohazards: Death by Corruption