Talks on 2013/2/5
Tuesday 05 February 2013
- 09:00 - Land use / land cover change and malaria risk in the Amazon region
- 10:30 - The Hochschild cochain complex, operads, and the Deligne conjecture I
- 11:00 - Immune regulation of vertebrate regeneration
- 11:00 - Title: Optical IR investigation and control of molecular nanosystems
- 12:00 - Telomeres and the challenges to chromosome integrity
- 13:00 - Ubiquitin signalling in immunity and inflammation - Working on the chain gang
- 13:00 - Performances in psychiatric hospitals: a social psychological perspective
- 13:00 - Magma chamber processes during crystallization of mafic layered intrusions
- 13:10 - Making a "Spreadsheet" for Artists
- 14:00 - The structure of approximate Abelian groups
- 14:00 - The Hochschild cochain complex, operads, and the Deligne conjecture II
- 14:00 - Monte Carlo simulations and Onsager density functional theory of hard particle liquid crystal models
- 14:00 - Non-radiative processes in organic semiconductors"
- 14:15 - Universal central extensions in peri-abelian categories
- 14:30 - Conditional Density Estimation through Enriched Dirichlet Process Mixture Models
- 15:00 - Monotone-light factorisation systems
- 16:00 - Soliton models with SDiff symmetry
- 16:00 - Computational Neuroscience Journal Club
- 16:00 - Deformation theory: exercise session
- 16:15 - p-adic group rings and the equivariant Tamagawa number conjecture
- 16:15 - A novel, efficient, scalable and easy-to-use cryptographic key management solution for wireless sensor networks
- 16:30 - Walking on broken glass: investigating magmatic processes in explosive and effusive rhyolitic eruptions
- 16:30 - Self-avoiding walks, one-third and two-thirds, and KPZ universality
- 17:00 - Coping with recalcitrance: futility, frustration and failure in the history of cancer research
- 17:00 - Joint screening: Réponse de Femmes (Agnès Varda) and Quand les femmes s’en mêlent (Paule Zajdermann)
- 17:00 - Structural liquidity: Time coordination of economic activities and sectoral interdependence
- 17:00 - Politics and The Sacred
- 17:00 - CNN seminar: The Analysis of Spatial an Social Networks in Complex Buildings
- 17:30 - 'Resistance and New Media' - Dr Vlad Strukov
- 17:45 - Brains, Science, and Human Nature
- 18:00 - Brains, Science, and Human Nature
- 18:00 - Seventeenth Epigenetic Club Seminar
- 18:00 - Enterprise Tuesday 2012/2013: Growing Your Venture
- 18:15 - What can we learn from sequencing thousands of human genomes?
- 20:00 - Our shared destinies within the planet’s boundaries
- 20:00 - AGN Feedback: How a central black hole can control a galaxy
- 20:30 - Where Salt Goes Water Follows: Understanding Renal Salt Handling, Blood Pressure and Thiazide Drugs
- 21:00 - Rethinking Energy and the Environment: Insights from Behavioural Economics