University of Cambridge > > Computer Laboratory NetOS Group Talklets > Towards Compilation of Affine Algebraic Effect Handlers

Towards Compilation of Affine Algebraic Effect Handlers

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Gemma Gordon.

Algebraic effects combined with handlers provide a modular abstraction for modelling and controlling effectful computations. I have previously implemented this programming abstraction in the functional web-oriented language Links. However, the implementation is only supported by the interpreter. Currently, I am working on compiling handlers to native code. OCaml effects/multicore compiler already compiles linear handlers to native code, however, I am interested in supporting the full generality of handlers. In order to achieve this goal I am going to do a type-driven translation of Links handlers into OCaml handlers. In this talk I will give a brief introduction to Links with effect handlers and discuss my compilation strategy.

Bio: I am a PhD student at the University of Edinburgh. Broadly speaking my main interests are the design and implementation of programming languages. I am undertaking a joint PhD between compiler group in the Institute for Computing Systems and Architecture (ICSA) and the programming language group in the Laboratory for Foundations of Computer Science (LFCS). My supervisors are Christophe Dubach (ICSA) and Sam Lindley (LFCS).

This talk is part of the Computer Laboratory NetOS Group Talklets series.

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