Gigahertz quantized charge pumping
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If you have a question about this talk, please contact K DAS GUPTA.
I will discuss another pumping mechanism for single charges, which does not
rely on Coulomb blockade of tunnelling. Single electrons are transported
through a periodically formed decoupled quantum dot (QD). The electrons
transported can be regarded as particles “surfing” on the time dependent
potential of the well generated by the three barriers, rather than
tunnelling through the barriers as waves. Two phase-shifted sinusoidal
signals applied directly to the metallic finger gates on an etched
GaAs/AlGaAs quantum wire, pump the electrons at frequencies of up to f = 3.4
GHz, corresponding to a current level of 0.54 nA. This approach represents
an alternative path in the realization of a high current high accuracy
quantum standard for electrical current
This talk is part of the Semiconductor Physics series.
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