University of Cambridge > > Institution of Mechanical Engineers (Cambridgeshire Area) > Driverless Pods on pavements – the technology and the psychology

Driverless Pods on pavements – the technology and the psychology

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The huge potential of autonomous (self-driving) vehicles has been identified by the Transport Systems Catapult (TSC) as a key growth area, and the LUTZ Pathfinder programme marks our first foray into this exciting sector.

Carried out on behalf of the UK Automotive Council and the Department of Business, Innovation and Skills, and sitting within the wider LUTZ (Low-carbon Urban Transport Zone) programme, the LUTZ Pathfinder programme is overseeing a trial of three autonomous pods in Milton Keynes and assessing their feasibility from both a technical and societal point of view.

Built by Coventry-based firm RDM , the electric-powered two-seater pods will be equipped with sensor and navigation technology by the University of Oxford’s Mobile Robotics Group, but with an open platform capability that will allow other Autonomous Control System suppliers to use the pods for test purposes.

Starting in early 2015, the TSC will test the pods in an “urban laboratory” using a pavement route agreed with our partners at Milton Keynes Council.

This event is organised by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Automobile Division Eastern Centre.

This talk is part of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (Cambridgeshire Area) series.

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