Automating reasoning tasks for separation logic
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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Jonathan Hayman.
One of the main goals of program analysis and verification is to develop fully automated tools that can reason efficiently about as many programs as possible. However, scalable automated reasoning is still among the main challenges for programs which operate on user-defined data structures on the heap.
In this talk I will give an overview of recent work on the automation of separation logic, a formalism which has proved quite powerful for reasoning about such data structures. I will introduce the basic techniques behind a decision procedure for entailment checking on a fragment of the logic restricted to list segments, and describe how such techniques are generalised in two directions: to provide combined reasoning with other theories (SMT), and to decide the satisfiability of inductive definitions of arbitrary heap shapes.
This talk is part of the Logic and Semantics Seminar (Computer Laboratory) series.
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