Goji: a tool to generate OCaml bindings of JavaScript libraries
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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Raphael Proust.
Goji is a tool to generate OCaml bindings of JavaScript libraries. It takes a source description in an ad hoc interface description language (IDL) and produces an OCaml module. Its goal is to provide bindings that really look like native OCaml libraries, hiding JavaScript internals behind abstract doors while removing the need to write and maintain a lot of boilerplate code. For this, the IDL is quite unusual because it does not describes 1-1 mappings as most other IDLs do. Instead, it is split into two layers, the toplevel one describing precisely how the OCaml library will look, the other one describing how each OCaml construct is mapped to JavaScript primitives. This talk should be as informal and interactive as possible, since Goji is still at an early stage and I am completely open to remarks and suggestions.
This talk is part of the Computer Laboratory Programming Research Group Seminar series.
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