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Advanced Literacy Skills: Textual Competences for a New Age

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Ewa Illakowicz.

Please contact Maria Nikolajeva if you wish to attend

PLACE/Cambridge-Homerton Research and Teaching Centre for Children’s Literature

International Minisymposium

Helene Høyrup (Royal Danish School of Librarianship) The Reading of Texts between Bookspace and New Literacy Space: Towards a Connective Ethnography of Children’s Literature and Digital Media

Lydia Kokkola (Luleå Technical University, Sweden) The Limits of Empathy: Fiction that Abuses Affective Attachments.

Maria Nikolajeva (University of Cambridge) Ethics of Address and Ethics of Response Anna Nordenstam (University of Gothenburg, Sweden) Hipp, Hipp, Hurrah? Children’s Birthday Parties in Swedish Literature

Björn Sundmark (Malmö University College, Sweden) Retranslation and Longue Durée: The Case of the Swedish Translations of Alice in Wonderland

Astrid Surmatz (University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands/Linnaeus University, Sweden) Penguins and Polar Bears, And Never the Twain Shall Meet: Concurrent and Colliding Image and Text in Early Reading Experience

This talk is part of the Centre for Research in Children's Literature at Cambridge series.

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