University of Cambridge > > Quantum Matter Seminar > Application of the Focused Ion Beam to Transport Measurements under High Pressure

Application of the Focused Ion Beam to Transport Measurements under High Pressure

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Michael Sutherland.

Electronic transport measurements under high pressures face several experimental challenges due to confined sample space and high forces acting on contacts and leads. As a result conventional preparation methods are often limited in the number of possible leads and usually do not allow for sample structuring. Hence transport measurements under high pressures were often limited to four terminal measurements with one sample per anvil cell.

This talk will discuss the application of the focused ion beam (FIB) technique to electronic transport measurements in anvil cells. The FIB enables sample contacting and structuring down to a sub-micrometre scale, making the measurement of several samples with complex shapes on a single anvil feasible. The advantages as well as possible drawbacks, such as FIB induced sample damage, of this technique will be addressed. A short outlook on upcoming Shubnikov-de Haas measurements on the CePt2In7 heavy fermion system under pressure will be included.

This talk is part of the Quantum Matter Seminar series.

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