University of Cambridge > > Computer Laboratory Digital Technology Group (DTG) Meetings > (Research) Effects of Wind and Tree Movements on Foliated Fixed Wireless Links / (Skills) Modern Embedded Systems: A Primer

(Research) Effects of Wind and Tree Movements on Foliated Fixed Wireless Links / (Skills) Modern Embedded Systems: A Primer

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Andrew Rice.

Effects of Wind and Tree Movements on Foliated Fixed Wireless Links, Tien Chua

Temporal variation of received power in a foliated fixed wireless channel is primarily owing to wind-induced tree movements. Due to this time-dynamic fading, the end-users may experience frequent loss of connectivity and/or severe fluctuations of data rates. In this presentation, we will explore the temporal variation in foliated fixed wireless channels resulting from the combined effects of wind and tree movements. Measurement data from a 5.8 GHz measurement campaign conducted over a period of 6 months will be presented. We will show that the scattering effects owing to wind-induced tree movement are not solely dependent on wind speed but also the orientation of the wind.

Modern Embedded Systems: A Primer, Rip Sohan

Traditionally, the term “embedded system” conjures up images of constrained, specialised hardware devices built for specific tasks running little more than assembly code. In this talk, we dispel this notion by outlining the the modern embedded systems space. Further, we outline a number of important techniques and tools useful for configuring, debugging and deploying modern embedded systems.

This talk is part of the Computer Laboratory Digital Technology Group (DTG) Meetings series.

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