University of Cambridge > > Physics and Chemistry of Solids Group > Study of RAM Vessel Diameter on Mixing Effectiveness and Faraday Instabilities

Study of RAM Vessel Diameter on Mixing Effectiveness and Faraday Instabilities

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Stephen Walley.

We investigate the effect of vessel diameter on mix completion time of a rocket propellant simulant, the formation of Faraday instabilities and their contribution to mixing in a Resonant Acoustic Mixer (RAM). We find that previous work on vessel diameter effects was not applicable, but we could not find an empirical relationship due a lack of quantity and precision of data. A new method to determine mix completion was trialled, evaluating the difference to mean energy input (DME). Faraday waves were shown to exist at almost all boundaries in RAM , but their destabilisation was not always the primary cause of mixing initiation.

This talk is part of the Physics and Chemistry of Solids Group series.

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