University of Cambridge > > Darwin College Science Seminars > Weathering the Storm: Aeroelasticity of Civil Structures

Weathering the Storm: Aeroelasticity of Civil Structures

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Dr Tamsin Samuels.

Wind-induced undulations are absolutely critical to consider when designing slender line-like structures, such as towering skyscrapers or sprawling long-span bridges. These structures have bluff cross sections with sharp edges, leading to massive flow separation and perplexing turbulent formations when buffeted by the wind. During storms, the wind-structure interaction can give rise to complex aeroelastic phenomena that are both challenging to model and difficult to understand. The talk will address the intricacies of modelling the aerodynamic forces that act on these bluff bodies, and exploring new data-driven approaches for predicting complex aeroelastic phenomena. Developing accurate aerodynamic force models paves the way for building slender, lean structures that can withstand the changing wind speeds due to climate change and ultimately reduce high carbon footprint in construction.

This talk is part of the Darwin College Science Seminars series.

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