Ecological networks and global change
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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Christian Franzke.
Open to non-BAS; please contact Christian Franzke (chan1 (at) if you would like to attend.
Worldwide, ecosystems are affected by global change in the form of
habitat loss, climatic warming, or species invasions. These effects
are usually observed at the species/population level, with little
studies focusing on effects at the community or ecosystem level. I
will discuss how we can use ecological networks to observe,
understand, and predict the consequences of global change at these
high-order organization levels. First I will provide a general
framework to explore the consequences of species loss within these
networks. Second, I will present more specific examples of how to use
food web and metabolic theory to observe and predict changes in
complex ecosystems.
This talk is part of the British Antarctic Survey series.
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