University of Cambridge > > Computer Laboratory Digital Technology Group (DTG) Meetings > (Skills) OpenGL / (Research) Optimising Network Selection Using Coverage Maps

(Skills) OpenGL / (Research) Optimising Network Selection Using Coverage Maps

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Andrew Rice.

Note unusual day, time and venue

Skills: OpenGL, Oliver Woodman

This talk will provide an introduction to OpenGL. I will outline the OpenGL architecture, describe its uses, and explain the potential benefits of (hardware accelerated) OpenGL relative to software rendering. I will also explain how to use OpenGL in conjunction with a higher level language such as Java or C#.

Research: Optimising Network Selection Using Coverage Maps, David Cottingham

Wireless network coverage can be represented by collecting large quantities of signal strength data and processing it to create a coverage map. Such maps provide much needed information on where network black spots are, or what bit rate should be used by wireless cards to decrease the likelihood of packet loss. However, how can these maps of many overlapping networks of different technologies be used to infer the “best” sequence of networks a vehicle should connect to as it traverses a given geographical route? Including the cost of handovers in the problem means it is not soluble using simple shortest-path routing. In this talk, I’ll present our solution for how this “given route” problem can be solved, and also how we can find other routes that not only take into account distance, but also network coverage as well. I might even keep the presentation to time.

This talk is part of the Computer Laboratory Digital Technology Group (DTG) Meetings series.

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