University of Cambridge > > Genetics Seminar  > Unearthing structure and complexity in human and great ape evolution

Unearthing structure and complexity in human and great ape evolution

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Caroline Newnham.

Host: Chris Illingworth

Demography is central to evolutionary and quantitative genetics, particularly our understanding of natural selection and the relationship between genotype and phenotype. I will show how developments in genome sequencing technology and computational methods have dramatically increased our power to infer ancestral demography using a rapidly growing number of genomes in humans and the great apes. The similar growth in availability of ancient DNA has added a new dimension and enabled us to resolve the details of hitherto unexpected past events. But the more we learn, the more complicated the picture becomes, and as I will describe, our current methods are increasingly struggling. I will discuss some new approaches which may help break the impasse.

This talk is part of the Genetics Seminar series.

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