University of Cambridge > > Genetics Seminar  > Think Global Act Local: do local morphological changes influence differentiation of pluripotent cells?

Think Global Act Local: do local morphological changes influence differentiation of pluripotent cells?

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Caroline Newnham.

Host: Ben Steventon

We are interested in the mechanisms that make early development robust and reproducible in the face of fluctuating or imprecise signals. As pluripotent tissues move towards differentiation they experience morphological rearrangements that are driven by changes in cell adhesion. We will present evidence that these changes modulate the ability of pluripotent cells to respond to extrinsic cues. This tells us that changes in cell adhesion and morphology are not simply a passive consequence of differentiation, but rather that they actively feed back into the decision making process.

This talk is part of the Genetics Seminar series.

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