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Engineering Fluids Group Seminar
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A series of informal seminars on a wide range of fluid mechanics open for all attendees. If you have a question about this list, please contact: Anna Walczyk; Paras Vadher; Ramachandra Kannan; lb2013; Peter Benie. If you have a question about a specific talk, click on that talk to find its organiser. 0 upcoming talks and 225 talks in the archive. Advanced Microfluidic Platforms for Viscoelastic Fluid Dynamics and Biosensing
Data-driven discovery of the origin of large-scale shear stress and pressure fluctuations
An experimental rig to investigate crosswind effects on intake flow behaviour
Particulate matter concentrations in UK schools: a nationwide study into the influence of ambient PM2.5 and the resulting exposure potentials
Fluid Dynamics Challenges in Predicting Plastic Pollution Transport in the Ocean
Advancing sustainable aviation in an evolving atmosphere
Synchronization in Navier-Stokes Turbulence and Its Role in Data-Driven Modeling
Multi-scale energy transfers in the near wake of a model wind turbine
How Wind Shapes Tree Architecture
Modeling the waves and interactions of capillary surfers
Droplet-Based Liquid Fuel Property Measurement Techniques
Unravelling the effects of turbulence: Vanishing tip vortices, scattering waves, and enhanced gas transfer
Overview and Q&A of Topping's recommendations on the grace to cut off ties to fossil fuel companies
Rough-Ribbed Surfaces to Mitigate Losses in High Lift Low-Pressure Turbines
The internal structure, and entrainment, of turbulent fountains
Unsteady and Transient applications of Pressure-Sensitive Paint
Aeroacoustics and aerodynamics of quiet owl flight
The Aerodynamics of Cricket Ball Swing
Complex tidal flow interactions in stellar and planetary convective envelopes
Data assimilating mean velocity measurements into computational fluid dynamics
Sidewall effects in compression corner shock wave boundary layer interactions
Exploring wind instruments through simulation
The ubiquitous acoustic bubble: a brief introduction
Plume dispersion in non-neutrally-stratified boundary layers
Macroscopic model of droplet collisions in a gaseous medium
The Dependence of Tropical Cyclone Pressure Tendency on Size
The stratified inclined duct: what we have learned about stratified turbulence in a maintained shear flow
An Introduction to Publication Fraud
Explicit filtering large eddy simulation for turbulent flows
The Aaberg Exhaust: or why you don’t suck out your birthday candles
Making a splash: from concept to product with fluid mechanics
Accelerating time averaging by adding a Lie derivative of an auxiliary function
Keep the physics in the model if you can: Data assimilation in Fluid Mechanics
Liquid interface and buoyancy stabilization using high-frequency vibrations
Wave loading on rock lighthouses
Granular collapses: in theory, in the lab. , over land and into the oceans
A laboratory approach of Hydro-elastic waves
Pressure-sensitive paint and miniature cameras: A glimpse into commercial wind tunnel testing
Physics-informed Neural Networks for Simultaneous Surrogate Modelling and Aerodynamic Optimization
Climate dynamics of subNeptunes
Frictional hysteresis in granular avalanches
A story of spinning tops, swirling plumes and sugar
Boundary layers in turbulent convection at vertical walls
OpenFOAM: Object-Oriented Software in Computational Continuum Mechanics
Probing density-stratified turbulence and mixing using simultaneous volumetric Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) and Laser Induced Fluorescence (LIF)
The relation between different types of transonic buffet
Bifurcations and control of propagating bubbles in Hele-Shaw channels
Physics-based uncertainty quantification of Reynolds-averaged-Navier-Stokes models for turbulent flows and scalar transport
Unbalanced exchange flow and the natural ventilation of buildings
Subglacial hydrology and the transient response of the polar ice sheets
Self-Excited Vibrations in a Geometrically Simplified Saccular Aneurysm
Cavitation Enhanced Drug Delivery
Hypersonic foldable Aeroshell for THermal protection using ORigami (HATHOR): heat shield architecture for 21st century space missions
Short- and long-range airborne transmission of the SARS-CoV-2
The smooth-wall-like behaviour of turbulence over drag-altering surfaces
Controversial issues concerning the origin of the Earth’s magnetic field
Turbulence over drag-reducing, anisotropically permeable substrates
Multiphase Plumes and Jets : Experiments, models and applications
Aerodynamic noise generation due to the scattering of jet instability waves
Making sense of unsteady separation on a wing
Analysis and Application of Advanced Algorithm for Aeronautical Flows
Effective boundary conditions at a regularly microstructured wall
Calculating extreme wave loads on offshore structures; an effective assessment of structural reliability
Discovering new features in supersonic wind tunnels: Stories from collaboration with CFD
Changing size to swim: From added-mass powered escape maneuvers to resonance-exploiting robots.
Decaying two-dimensional turbulence undergoes statistical heating
Finding the halo: a separated vortex ring underlies the flight of the dandelion
Unsteady hydrodynamics in 3D
Turbulent flows of particles and bubbles : applications to microbe transport, deep sea mining and bubble-driven mixing
Defending against lava flows: theory, experiment and field confirmation
Spanwise heterogeneity in developing turbulent boundary layers
Skin-friction drag reduction in turbulent flows: how to set up the flow control problem
Real flows have corners: Side-wall effects on shock-induced separation
Mixing pathways in forced stratified turbulence
The energetics of moving between statistically steady states in flows driven by buoyancy and wind
Aerodynamics of bodies with wide recirculating wake
Baroclinic Adjustment Revisited: in Atmospheric and Laboratory Models of Rotating Stratified Flows
The large-scale structure of small-scale turbulence, some implications for dispersion
Bio-inspired aerofoil adaptations for the reduction of turbulence interaction noise
Fluid Mechanics of Flow in the Upper Airways
Power law rheology of complex fluids
Jet Flow in a Rotating Fluid
Jet-edge interaction tones
Turbulence, Periodic Orbits and Koopman Analysis
Dynamics of Marine Ice Sheets
Fluid Dynamics of Volcanic Ash Transport
The effect of temperature differences on cross-ventilation
Morphology in rapidly rotating planetary cores
Upside-Down and Inside-Out: The Biomechanics of Cell Sheet Folding
The particulars of particulates
Self-assembled Precipitate Membranes and the Implications for Life
QuickerSim CFD Toolbox for MATLAB - Basics and Applications
Transition to turbulence – a new perspective on transient turbulent flow
Slowly but surely: Locomotion of snails and its lessons for soft robots
Influence of Aspect Ratio on Dynamic Stall of a Finite Wing
Cosmological simulations of our Universe: computational methods, challenges and future prospects
Explosive Fluid Instability and Fusion Performance
Effects of adverse pressure gradient on the structure of turbulent boundary layers
The Development of Unsteady Pressure-Sensitive Paint Technique and its Application to the Investigation of Transonic Buffeting
Effect of plastron deformation on the wake of super-hydrophobic spheres
Modelling reverse flow dynamic stall on high advance ratio rotors
The impact of surface roughness geometry on aero-engine intakes at incidence
Particle-Turbulence interactions in multi-component mixtures: Cloud microphysical implications
Turbulent flows over superhydrophobic surfaces
Energy Spectrum for Buoyancy-Driven Turbulence
Development and flight testing of a novel hybrid aircraft
Thermoacoustic oscillations in annular combustors: symmetry, eigenstructure, perturbation methods, and nonlinear phenomena
The threat of ice crystals for civil aviation
Numerical analysis of instrumentation in aeroengines
The Rapid Optimization Library
How do planets generate their magnetic fields?
The Fluid Dynamics of Atmospheric Vortices
Hydrodynamics of bacteria
Making Waves in the Core of the Earth
Large-eddy modeling for particle-laden flow: turbulence modulation and intensified heat transfer
Vibrating cables & flapping flags: classical fluid-solid instabilities or energy sources?
Timescales and the inertial subrange in wall flows
Insights from minimal simulations of rough-wall turbulence
Feedback control of a turbulent bluff body wake for efficient drag reduction
Wall turbulence: from surface roughness to surface slip
Feedforward and Feedback Control of Boundary Layer Streaks Induced by Freestream Turbulence
Recent developments in plasma aerodynamics
Secrets learned from the peregrine falcon diving flight
Extrapolating turbulence to higher Re
Low-order modelling of turbulent structure and statistics
Reduction of turbulent wall-friction by rotating discs
Unsteady Turbulence Cascades
Giant Volcanic Intrusions
Linear stability vs. real nonlinear flow - Part 2
The Physics of beer tapping and others topics in mass transfer
Onset of unsteadiness in aero-engine intakes at incidence
Leading Edge Contamination and the Saga of the ‘Bleeding Slot’
Diapycnal mixing in stratified plane Couette flows
Turbulence in stably stratified flows: energy spectra, intermittent bursts and helicity dynamics
Jets and turbulence in Jupiter's weather layer
Fluid-structure interactions of membrane wings
Sharks, Aeroplanes and the Rotating-Disk Boundary Layer
Simulating the Airflow Dynamics of Breathing: Towards Clinical Impact
Title to be confirmed
The modelling and computation of convective flows of Bingham fluids in porous media
Measurements in vivo: the fluid mechanics of insects in flight
Sensitivity to explicit and implicit parameters for simulations of fires in confined spaces
Flow Around Transonic Aircraft Blister Fairings
Nonlinear thermoacoustics: flames on the edge of chaos
Unsteady turbulent jets and plumes
Creating a Shallow-Water Wave Environment
Mixing dynamics in pulsed fuel jets
New Developments in Turbulence Modelling for Industrial Needs
Working with atria: natural ventilation in multi-storey buildings
Low-dimensional dynamics and control of turbulent bluff body wakes
Experiments with internal solitary waves in stratified fluids
Nonlinear development and acoustic radiation of instability waves/coherent structures in transitional/turbulent free shear flows
Carbon-dioxide motion and reaction in subsurface aquifers
How do waves create ‘sausages’, ‘pancakes’ and ‘cannellonis’ from ‘spaghetti’ turbulence?
Dynamics of Elastic Capsules in Flow
Spheres to swimmers in a Stokes flow
‘Spaghetti sandwich’ micro-structure of very high Reynolds number turbulence - not quite Kolmogorov
Using Computational Fluid Dynamics ‘in real life’ processes
Renewable power generation: geothermal and solar thermal systems
Linear dynamics in turbulent flows over a porous layers
THE DRILLERS DON’T LIKE GETTING WET or WHY THE LAUNDRY ROOM KEEPS GETTING FLOODED : Water up to surprisingly high levels around the legs of large floating oil rigs
Collective dynamics in confined bacterial suspensions
Dynamics of fluid driven delamination and fracturing in elastic and magneto-elastic materials
Heat Transfer Enhancement using Porous Media: effect of local-thermal non-equilibrium condition and thermal radiation
Three breaking solitary waves
3D measurements of fine scale features in turbulence: a quest for universality
Taking the plunge: the flow of relatively dense rivers into lakes
Convection in Porous Media, and implications for geological storage of CO_2
Standing and spinning waves in axisymmetric annular combustors
Transient Flows and Stratification of a Naturally Ventilated Enclosure Containing Both a Localised and Distributed Source of Buoyancy
The quest for lift - Investigations into low Reynolds number aerodynamics
Linear analysis to understand the formation of coherent structures in wall turbulence
Linear stability predictions vs. real shear flow behavior
The effectiveness of an air curtain in the doorway of a ventilated building
The Stokes drift of internal gravity waves
Experimental Study of Suction and Vortex Generators for Supersonic Inlet Flow Control
Biomimetic techniques for flow control
From noise in jets and wind turbines to relativity
Propeller integration experiments in DNW and TU Delft
Efficient mixing in stratified flows: Rayleigh-Taylor instability within a stable stratification, experiments and computation.
Some Aerodynamic Issues of Unmanned Air Vehicles
The Rayleigh-Taylor Instability Under Rotation
Wetting in Granular Flows: Debris Flows & Ice Avalanches
Two-phase gravity currents containing a finite volume of fluidSandwiches provided at 13:00, seminar begins 13:15.
Turbulent miscible fountains - height, rhythm and scales.Sandwiches provided at 13:00, seminar begins 13:15.
An Experimental Investigation of Flow Control for Supersonic InletsSandwiches provided at 13:00, seminar begins 13:15.
Passive ventilation in multi-storey buildings - a dimensionless design approachSandwiches provided at 13:00, seminar begins 13:15.
Shock control on transonic wings by three-dimensional bumps.Sandwiches provided at 13:00, seminar begins 13:15.
The evolution of a stratified turbulent cloud.Sandwiches provided at 13:00, seminar begins 13:15.
Turbulent Structure Detection in Rayleigh-Taylor Instabilities.Sandwiches provided at 13:00, seminar begins 13:15.
Please see above for contact details for this list. |
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