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CMS Colloquia

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The Centre for Mathematical Sciences has joined forces with the Isaac Newton Institute to have a joint programme of CMS Colloquia and INI Rothschild Seminars. Held every few weeks during term, they are followed by a social gathering with nibbles and a glass of wine. The talks are usually on Mondays at 5.00pm, either in the Wolfson Room (MR2) at the Centre for Mathematical Sciences, or in Lecture Room 1 at the Newton Institute.

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1 upcoming talk and 62 talks in the archive.

Peter Whittle Lecture

A new coefficient of correlation

UserSourav Chatterjee (Stanford) .

HouseCentre for Mathematical Sciences MR2.

ClockWednesday 18 October 2023, 16:30-17:30

Peter Whittle Lecture

Resampling methods for networks

UserLiza Levina (Michigan).

HouseCentre for Mathematical Sciences MR2.

ClockThursday 27 October 2022, 17:00-18:00

Peter Whittle Lecture

Demystifying Deep Learning

UserRob Nowak (U. Wisconsin).

HouseCentre for Mathematical Sciences MR2.

ClockThursday 17 March 2022, 17:00-18:00

Mathematical Physics Seminar

Radial excitations of superconducting (Witten) vortices

Note: MONDAY lunchtime

UserPatrick Peter (DAMTP, and Inst. Astrophys. Paris).

HousePotter Room, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockMonday 03 December 2018, 13:00-14:00

Mathematical Physics Seminar

Loop Correlations in Random Wire Models

UserCostanza Benassi (Northumbria).

HouseMR11 Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 06 November 2018, 16:00-17:00

Mathematical Physics Seminar

Making Sense of the Standard Model: an Exceptional Quantum Algebra

Note -- on THURSDAY

UserIvan Todorov (Sofia, Bulgaria).

HouseMR11 Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockThursday 25 October 2018, 16:00-17:00

Mathematical Physics Seminar

Kinks with Long-range Tails

UserNick Manton (DAMTP).

HouseMR11 Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 16 October 2018, 16:00-17:00

Peter Whittle Lecture

When Statistics Meets Computing

UserProfessor Tony Cai (Wharton, University of Pennsylvania).

HouseCentre for Mathematical Sciences MR2.

ClockWednesday 10 October 2018, 17:00-18:00

Mathematical Physics Seminar

Skyrmion Vibrations

UserChris Halcrow (Leeds).

HouseMR11 Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 09 October 2018, 16:00-17:00

Bose in Boxes

UserPersi Diaconis (Stanford).

HouseCMS, MR2.

ClockMonday 08 May 2017, 17:00-18:00

NATO: Hobbes to Trump - Motion and Emotion - Can Mathematicians help?

UserJames Bergeron, NATO.

HouseCMS, MR2.

ClockThursday 23 February 2017, 17:30-18:30

Peter Whittle Lecture

Dimers Day in Cambridge

UserBoutiller, Chhita, Dubedat, Laslier, Toninelli.

HouseMR12 Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockMonday 23 May 2016, 10:45-17:45

Publicising Surgeons' Performance: the Maths of Naming and Shaming

UserProfessor Sir David Spiegelhalter, Winton Professor of the Public Understanding of Risk, DPMMS.

HouseCMS Core.

ClockWednesday 20 April 2016, 14:50-15:15

Computational Biology

UserDr Stephen Eglen, DAMTP.

HouseCMS Core.

ClockWednesday 20 April 2016, 14:25-14:50

Seeing More in Images - a Mathematical Perspective

UserDr Carola-Bibiane Schönlieb, Director, Cantab Capital Institute for the Mathematics of Information and Head of Cambridge Image Analysis, DAMTP.

HouseCMS Core.

ClockWednesday 20 April 2016, 14:00-14:25

Calculating Implied Volatility

UserDr Mike Tehranchi, Statistical Laboratory, DPMMS.

HouseCMS Core.

ClockWednesday 20 April 2016, 12:35-13:00

Quantum Computing

UserProfessor Richard Jozsa, Leigh Trapnell Professor of Quantum Physics, DAMTP.

HouseCMS Core.

ClockWednesday 20 April 2016, 12:10-12:35

Extreme Universe Computing

UserProfessor Paul Shellard, Director, Centre for Theoretical Cosmology.

HouseCMS Core.

ClockWednesday 20 April 2016, 11:45-12:10

Analysis of Motion Data for Healthcare and Rehabilitation

UserDr Joan Lasenby, Signal Processing and Communications Laboratory, Department of Engineering.

HouseCMS Core.

ClockWednesday 20 April 2016, 11:00-11:25

The Particulars of Particulates

UserDr Nathalie Vriend, Royal Society Dorothy Hodgkin Research Fellow, DAMTP.

HouseCMS Core.

ClockWednesday 20 April 2016, 10:35-11:00

New Materials by Design

UserProfessor Mike Cates, Lucasian Professor of Mathematics, DAMTP.

HouseCMS Core.

ClockWednesday 20 April 2016, 10:10-10:35


This talk will be streamed to MR3 and MR15

UserDr Buzz Aldrin.

HouseMR2, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockFriday 26 February 2016, 17:30-18:30

The black hole information paradox re-visited

UserAndrew Strominger, Gwill E. York Professor of Physics, Harvard University.

HouseMR2, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockMonday 18 January 2016, 17:00-18:00

Langlands and arithmetic

UserJack Thorne (Cambridge).

HouseMR3, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockMonday 23 November 2015, 17:00-18:00

Computation, Dynamics, Evidence, and Experience: Quantum Computing Colloquium

UserCharlie Bennett (Variously Principal Scientist, Fellow, IBM Research Headquarters, NY).

HouseMR2, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockMonday 19 October 2015, 17:00-18:00

Purely Kinetic Lagrangians.

UserProfessor Nick Manton, DAMTP..

HouseMR2, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockMonday 23 February 2015, 17:00-18:00

Peter Whittle Lecture

An afternoon of talks exploring the links between classical information theory, probability, statistics and their quantum counterparts.

UserReinhard Werner (Hannover), Fernando Brandao (Microsoft Research), Robert Koenig (TU Munich), Renato Renner (ETH Zurich).

HouseMR15 Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockWednesday 28 January 2015, 14:00-18:10

Wild and tame behaviour in group theory

UserHenry Wilton (DPMMS, Cambridge).

HouseMR3, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockMonday 17 November 2014, 17:00-18:00

Peter Whittle Lecture

Peter Whittle Colloquium

UserYuval Peres (MSR Redmond) , Bálint Tóth (TU Budapest/U Bristol) , Wendelin Werner (ETH Zurich) .

HouseMR12 Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockFriday 03 October 2014, 16:00-19:00

The Accelerating Universe

UserProfessor Anne-Christine Davis, University of Cambridge.

HouseMR2, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockMonday 03 March 2014, 17:00-18:00

Image reconstruction from corrupted and undersampled data

UserDr Carola-Bibiane Schönlieb, DAMTP.

HouseMR2, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockMonday 11 November 2013, 17:00-18:00


UserPierre Cartier (Institut Des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques).

HouseMR2, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockThursday 25 April 2013, 14:00-17:00

Curvature, Sphere Theorems, and the Ricci Flow

To be followed by a reception in the central core

UserProf. Simon Brendle (Stanford).

HouseMR2, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockMonday 19 November 2012, 17:00-18:00

The Topological Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality

Inaugural Lecture as Professor of Pure Mathematics

UserDanny Calegari (Cambridge).

HouseMR2, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockMonday 28 May 2012, 17:00-18:00

Black holes and extra dimensions

UserDr Harvey Reall, DAMTP.

HouseMR2, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockMonday 21 November 2011, 17:00-18:00

Peter Whittle Lecture

An afternoon of Mathematics and Biology

UserRichard Durbin (Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute), Glenn Vinnicombe (Engineering Department), Ottoline Leyser (Sainsbury Laboratory).

HouseWolfson Room (MR2) Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 26 April 2011, 14:00-19:00

Solving Linear Equations

UserProfessor Arieh Iserles (DAMTP).

HouseMR2, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockMonday 07 February 2011, 17:00-18:00

The Pointless Universe

Inaugural Lecture as 18th Lucasian Professor of Mathematics

UserProfessor Michael Green DAMTP.

HouseMR2, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockMonday 18 October 2010, 17:00-18:00

Dirac Lecture

Phase Transitions: Scaling, Universality and Renormalization

UserProfessor Leo P. Kadanoff University of Chicago and Perimeter Institute.

HouseMR2, Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Wilberforce Road, Cambridge.

ClockTuesday 11 May 2010, 14:45-16:00

Dynamics of superfluid states of matter

UserDr Natasha Berloff (DAMTP).

HouseMR2, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockMonday 08 March 2010, 17:00-18:00

Recent advances on quantum systems with random Hamiltonians

UserProfessor Yuri Suhov (DPMMS).

HouseMR2, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockMonday 01 February 2010, 17:00-18:00

Special values of L-functions - an Ariadne's thread in number theory

UserProfessor Don Zagier (College de France).

HouseMR2, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockMonday 25 January 2010, 17:00-18:00

Integrability and String Theory

UserProfessor Nick Dorey.

HouseMR2, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockMonday 30 November 2009, 17:00-18:00

The Cauchy problem in general relativity

UserDr Mihalis Dafermos.

HouseMR2, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockMonday 19 October 2009, 17:00-18:00

QRT maps and elliptic surfaces

UserProf. J.J. Duistermaat, Utrecht.

HouseLecture Room 1 (INI).

ClockMonday 18 May 2009, 17:00-18:00

Effective evolution equations from many body quantum dynamics

UserDr Benjamin Schlein (DPMMS).

HouseMR2, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockMonday 02 March 2009, 17:00-18:00

How to Sequence 1000 Human Genomes Efficiently

UserProfessor Richard Durbin, Sanger Institute, Hinxton.

HouseMR2, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockMonday 16 February 2009, 17:00-18:00

Genus-minimizing surfaces

UserDr Jake Rasmussen (DPMMS).

HouseMR2, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockMonday 26 January 2009, 17:00-18:00

Reversibility, Chaos and Self-Organization

UserProf. J. Gollub (DAMTP and Haverford Coll.).


ClockMonday 17 November 2008, 17:00-18:00

D-branes and Derived Categories

This talk follows the talk by Dr D. Tong

UserProf. T.A. Bridgeland (Sheffield).


ClockMonday 20 October 2008, 17:15-18:00

Uses of D-branes

Note early start. This talk is followed by a related talk by Prof T.A. Bridgeland. Dr Tong and Professor Bridgeland shared the 2008 Adams Prize.

UserDr D. Tong (DAMTP).


ClockMonday 20 October 2008, 16:30-17:15

Maps and Graphs on Surfaces

UserProfessor C Thomassen (Technical University of Denmark).

HouseLecture Room 1 (INI).

ClockMonday 02 June 2008, 17:00-18:00


Chance is a Fine Thing

Inaugural Lecture as Winton Professor of the Public Understanding of Risk

UserDavid Spiegelhalter (Cambridge).

HouseMR2, CMS, Wilberforce Road, Cambridge, CB3 0WB.

ClockMonday 19 May 2008, 17:30-18:30

Astrophysical Accretion and Bright Black Holes

UserDr Gordon I. Ogilvie (DAMTP).


ClockMonday 28 April 2008, 17:00-18:00

DPMMS Pure Maths Seminar

The Langlands correspondence: prime numbers, symmetry and algebraic geometry

CMS Colloquium

UserDr Teruyoshi Yoshida (DPMMS).


ClockMonday 29 October 2007, 17:00-18:00

Please see above for contact details for this list.


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