University of Cambridge > > Rainbow Graphics Seminars > Artifacts in Subdivision curves/Calculating Eigencomponents for Subdivision Schemes

Artifacts in Subdivision curves/Calculating Eigencomponents for Subdivision Schemes

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Lorisa Dubuc.

Ursula’s talk – Artifacts in Subdivision curves:

Despite its many advantages, certain problems prevent subdivision from being used as the main design tool in engineering applications. One of these is the presence of artifacts in its limit surface. For a subdivision scheme to become a powerful design tool the difference between designer intent and what emerges as a limit curve or surface has to be understood and, ideally, eliminated. This Thurday I will talk about one type of artifact present in all geometric curves and demonstrate how it can be analysed and its magnitude determined for a number of different subdivision schemes.

Malcolm’s talk – Calculating Eigencomponents for Subdivision Schemes:

Eigenvalues and vectors are a fundamental tool for analyzing subdivision schemes.

The talk describes ways of calculating them which are efficient (no solving of high degree polynomials) but, more importantly, give insight into the structure of what is going on.

This is a rehearsal for a presentation due to be made at the Curves & Surfaces conference in Avignon later in June.

This talk is part of the Rainbow Graphics Seminars series.

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