University of Cambridge > > ELPEC Group Seminars > My Life In Research: Gender and Leadership - an individual research journey

My Life In Research: Gender and Leadership - an individual research journey

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In this presentation I reflect on my career in researching and writing in educational leadership and management, where my particular focus has been on the interplay between gender and leadership. I outline the major outcomes of surveys conducted with female and male secondary head teachers in the 1990s and in 2004 and with women leaders in more recent research carried out in 2010-11 and identify ways in which research in gender and leadership might develop.

Dr Marianne Coleman is Emeritus Reader in Educational Leadership and Management at the Institute of Education, University of London. She retired as Reader and Assistant Dean of Research at the Institute in 2008 but continues to research and write.

This talk is part of the ELPEC Group Seminars series.

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