University of Cambridge > > Offtopic Lunch > New faces in human evolution: Do recent discoveries warrant the media hype?

New faces in human evolution: Do recent discoveries warrant the media hype?

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Ryan Prescott Adams.

The Indonesian “Hobbit” discovery announced in fall 2004 unleashed a flurry of mass media coverage and speculation. Last week, a team of archaeologists reported the discovery of putative human footprints in Mexico that would push American (pre)history back some 25,000 years. How much of what we see and hear is hype, and how much is real science? What do we know now about human evolution that we didn’t a year ago? I will discuss the scientific impact of these finds, focusing especially on the “new” Flores hominid.

This talk is part of the Offtopic Lunch series.

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