University of Cambridge > > Cambridge Immunology > Genetic analysis of a somatically acquired trait: immunological self-tolerance

Genetic analysis of a somatically acquired trait: immunological self-tolerance

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Dr Tennie Videler.

Goodnow “has pioneered in the field of immunology to reveal key mechanisms regulating the immune system, in particular the ability of the immune system to learn to differentiate between our own “self” tissues and invading foreign microbes. He has also revealed the capacity of the immune system to lay down specific memory of both self and foreign, so that autoimmunity is minimised while immunity to infection becomes strong”.

In this lecture he will present unpublished work analysing the acquisition of self-nonself discrimination by antibodies during germinal center reactions, and the impact of inherited and somatically acquired mutations in genes that are critical for B and T cell tolerance.

This talk is part of the Cambridge Immunology series.

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