CNN Seminar - October
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- Florian Markowetz (Cancer Research UK, Cambridge Research Institute) and Murray Shanahan (Computing, Imperial College London)
- Tuesday 25 October 2011, 14:30-15:30
- Keynes Hall in Kings College.
If you have a question about this talk, please contact Petra Vertes.
Our two speakers for this first seminar are:
Florian Markowetz (Cancer Research UK, Cambridge Research Institute)
“Inferring phenotypic networks with Nested Effect Models”.
(no abstract)
Murray Shanahan (Computing, Imperial College London)
“Knotty-Centredness: finding the connective core of a complex network”.
abstract:This talk will describe a measure called knotty-centredness that attempts to capture the extent to which a network possesses a densely intra-connected and topologically central core. Some applications to brain networks will be presented, including a newly constructed connectome of the pigeon forebrain.
This talk is part of the Cambridge Networks Network (CNN) series.
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