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Dr Jussi Parikka talk on media archaeology

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Dr Jussi Parikka.

Media Archaeology and New Media Studies

This talk introduces media archaeology not only as a textual method, but also as a practical engagement with contemporary technical media cultures. I discuss its developing relations with new fields such as software studies, and show how its agendas must develop from reliance on visual media to more varied modalities of media sensation and logic.

Bio Dr Jussi Parikka is media theorist and the Director of Cultures of the Digital Economy (CoDE)-institute at Anglia Ruskin University. His books include Digital Contagions (2007), and the co-edited volumes The Spam Book (2009) and the forthcoming Media Archaeology (2011).

Parikka’s most recent book Insect Media: An Archaeology of Animals and Technology has just been released by University of Minnesota Press.

His new book project is on media archaeological theories and methodology and forthcoming from Polity Press in 2012. Http:// . See also Parikka’s media archaeology-themed blog Cartographies of Media Archaeology:

Note: Part of Anglia Ruskin ALSS -Faculty research seminars (but open to public as well). Sessions are on Wednesdays from 17.00 until 18.30 in HEL 201 with tea and coffee from 17.00. Papers start at 17.15. All are welcome. Please e-mail the organizers if you are joining us from outside Anglia to check there has been no change in the advertised programme.

Convenors: Professor Mary Joannou ( and Professor Guido Rings (

This talk is part of the ArcDigital and CoDE talks at Anglia Ruskin series.

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