University of Cambridge > > ELPEC Group Seminars > An open Lunchtime Seminar led by teachers who have been awarded Steve Sinnott Fellowships

An open Lunchtime Seminar led by teachers who have been awarded Steve Sinnott Fellowships

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Louise Johns-Shepherd.

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Leadership for Learning: the Cambridge Network and the Academic group are organising a visit by a number of Steve Sinnott Fellows who will be presenting the results of their projects at a lunchtime seminar on 11th January 2011.

This is a unique opportunity for everyone interested in developing young people’s learning, in the role of schools in their communities and in leadership.

The Steve Sinnott Fellowships focus on developing outward facing schools whose aim is to build up the social confidence of young people. In many cases the results have been amazing and innovative, boosting the self efficacy both of the young people involved and their headteachers. The stories trigger rich reflection on what can be learnt from the Fellowships for developing teacher leadership.

Steve Sinnott was General Secretary of the National Union of Teachers who died tragically and unexpectedly in 2008. In memory of his commitment to making a difference to the life chances of children from socially deprived backgrounds the then Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, gave £1.5m to establish the Fellowships. The Fellowships Website is

The seminar will be chaired by John Bangs, Wolfson Fellow, Senior Research Associate in the Faculty and recently retired Head of Education at the NUT .

Sandwich lunch served or bring your own.


This talk is part of the ELPEC Group Seminars series.

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