University of Cambridge > > BP Institute > BP Institute 10th Anniversary Meeting

BP Institute 10th Anniversary Meeting

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Catherine Pearson.

This talk has been canceled/deleted

30 September 2010 14.30 Tea 14.55 Welcome 15.00 Tony Meggs Natural Gas in a Climate Constrained World 15.40 Dr Pete Smith Perspectives on Reservoir Engineering 16.20 Tea 16.40 Dr Alex Routh Organisation of Particles During Film Drying 17.20 Prof Ian Collins A Proposed Pore-Scale Mechanism for how Low Salinity Waterflooding Works

1 October 2010 09.30 Prof Herbert Huppert Carbon Dioxide Sequestration and Leakage 10.10 Dr Marc Hesse Trapping mechanisms during geological CO2 storage 10.50 Coffee 11.10 Dr Stuart Clarke Importance of the Superficial 11.50 Prof Daan Frenkel Coarse-grained Models for Charge Transport in Heterogeneous Media 12.30 Dr Dave Pritchard Natural Convection and the Evolution of a Reactive Porous Medium 13.10 Lunch 14.00 Dr Colm Caulfield Shaken Not Stirred: The Dynamics of Stratified Mixing 14.40 Dr Nicky White Seismic Oceanography: acoustic imaging of the oceanic volume to abyssal depths 15.20 Prof Andy Woods Deep Sea Oil Dynamics

Everyone is most welcome.

We would be pleased if you could let Catherine Pearson know you are coming to help arrange numbers for catering (

This talk is part of the BP Institute series.

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