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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Shazia Afzal.

“A few years before Powerpoint was invented I gave a talk on human computer interaction at the IEE in London, using a Research Machines 380Z to drive their big Eidophor projector. I’m going to give the 380Z to Bletchley park for spares, but before I do so I thought it might be fun to let you see what could be achieved in the way of dynamic presentations on a machine of only 56K (yes K!) bytes of memory, no hard disk, and homebrew software. So I propose to just repeat the 1980ish talk as closely as I can remember it.

The talk was originally about `naturalness’ being an inappropriate ambition for HCI (then called the Man-Machine-Interface). This time there will be a subtext about why I still use my own software for presentations. And possibly a report on the various implementations I have made over the years.”

This talk is part of the Rainbow Graphics Seminars series.

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