University of Cambridge > > Morphogenesis Seminar Series > Life and death of cells a mystery solved through biomechanics

Life and death of cells a mystery solved through biomechanics

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  • UserLakshmi Balasubramaniam (Gurdon Institute, University of Cambridge)
  • ClockMonday 06 March 2023, 14:30-15:30
  • HouseOnline.

If you have a question about this talk, please contact Elena Scarpa.

Tissue homeostasis of matured epithelia are maintained through a tight balance of cell proliferation and cell extrusion. The fate of the extruding cell and its viability plays a major role in determining health of the tissue. In this work we show that removal of E-cadherin an adherens junction protein leads to an increase in live cell extrusion. This live cell extrusion is accompanied by a switch in the direction of cell extrusion from apical to basal side. Mechanical measurements combined with phase field modelling show that local stress fluctuations regulate the mode of extrusions due to changes in cell-cell adhesions and internal activity. This form of live and basal extrusion can be a mode of cell extravasation during cancer.

This talk is part of the Morphogenesis Seminar Series series.

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