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The 8th Annual Public ReproSoc Lecture: Regulating Reproduction Revisited

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The 8th Annual Public ReproSoc Lecture

Regulating Reproduction Revisited

Professor Emily Jackson, LSE

Chair: Prof Sarah Franklin, University of Cambridge

23rd November 2022 | 5 – 6.30 pm

In this lecture, Prof Emily Jackson will revisit some of the themes of her 2001 book Regulating Reproduction: Law, Technology and Autonomy, in which she argued that women’s reproductive autonomy should be better protected by the law. Have things improved over the last 21 years, or has there been one step forwards and two steps backwards?

Following the event there will be a reception and book launch with recent publications of ReproSoc members.

Please register here, if you would like to attend the lecture,

This talk is part of the ReproSoc series.

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