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CUE: Cashflows and Finances for Business Plans

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Amir Chaudhry.

In this session, Martin Rigby will provide an overview of the nature of cashflows, as relevant to business plans, and help direct you to further resources.

Martin Rigby, is joint managing director of ET Capital Limited. He has been a venture capital investor for over 20 years making and managing investments in over 40 innovative technology businesses, principally in network services, software and hardware. Before founding ETCapital in 1992, he was an investment manager at 3i plc in Cambridge specialising in making early stage technology investments. More recently, Martin has become an entrepreneur and is developing a new product for mobile phones.

With his experience as both investor and entrepreneur, Martin is uniquely qualified to talk about business plan finances from both perspectives.

Places are initially open to £5k Challenge entrants but if you wish to attend, please email in advance.

This talk is part of the Cambridge University Entrepreneurs (CUE) series.

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