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Covid And Cognition

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Dr Dervila Glynn.

Theme: Adaptive Brain Computations

ONS figures suggest that at least 10% of individuals suffering COVID -19 Infection continue to experience several weeks after testing positive, and other studies report the proportions as even higher (e.g. Logue et al., 2021). One of the most prevalent reported symptoms among these “Long Covid” sufferers is cognitive dysfunction (Davis et al., 2020). However, to date the cognitive sequelae of COVID -19 are little understood. There are a number of reasons why COVID -19 infection might be associated with cognitive impairment and mental illness (e.g. Bougakov et al., 2020). In particular, increasing evidence indicates inflammation (e.g. Huang et al., 2020) and dysfunctional clotting (e.g. Taquet et al., 2021) as issues of major concern, both of which have been previously linked to a range of cognitive deficits (e.g. Vintimilla et al., 2019; Cumming et al., 2013). Indeed, evidence is beginning to emerge that cognitive issues may be widespread in the post-infection period, particularly among hospitalised and ventilated patients (e.g. Hampshire et al., 2020; Alemanno et al,. 2020). Here I shall present “Hot off the [SPSS]Press” results from a study on memory and cognition following COVID infection in a non-hospitalized cohort.

Lucy Cheke is a Lecturer in the Psychology Department and head of the “Cognition and Motivated Behaviour” Lab. Her research explores various aspects of learning and memory, and in the past few years has focussed particularly on the association between memory and obesity.

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This talk is part of the Cambridge Neuroscience Interdisciplinary Seminars series.

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